Loving Well. Loving Well “A man never stands alone unless he is taking a stand.” Principle 11 “A man never stands alone unless he is taking a stand.”


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Presentation transcript:

Loving Well

“A man never stands alone unless he is taking a stand.” Principle 11 “A man never stands alone unless he is taking a stand.”

“It is the characteristic of wisdom not to do desperate things.” Henry David Thoreau

A knight must learn to express the lover part of his mind because: It is a reflection of his ability to value himself. He can only give what he has first received. He consciously has prepared his character to be expressed in this way.

A knight must learn to express the lover part of his mind because: It is a reflection of his ability to value himself. He recognizes that he is loved by God, and he loves others as God would desire.

His own inner voice and giftedness expresses God’s calling for service in his life. Love is the chief attribute that measures the strength of a man’s core. Love motivates the man to learn to control his instincts.

Love motivates the man to learn to control his instincts. He says “No” to his sexual instinct until a deeper relationship is established, which necessitates a commitment to one woman.

Love motivates the man to learn to control his instincts. He says “No” to his instinct for self- preservation. Instead, he sacrifices himself for those he loves. He does not run from the hard work of intimacy.

Love motivates the man to learn to control his instincts. He fights fair. He says “No” to his own self-pleasure in order to give his children, wife, and friends what they need. He is willing to go into the painful areas of life to show others, whom he cares about, that he can feel what they are feeling.

Love encourages the man to face his shadow. When he has harmed someone, he: • Apologizes. • Asks for forgiveness. • Makes restitution. • Nobly accepts his consequences.

Love prompts him to take care of his body, so that he is strong and is able to take care of those he loves for a longer period of time. Love helps him to develop his emotional competence. (Brain that feels)

Love helps him to develop his emotional competence. (Brain that feels) He utilizes his emotional responses to strengthen his relationships and he intentionally shares who he is and the value he places on others. He has dealt with his own emotional history, so that he is able to enter fully into another person’s emotional responses.

Love helps him to develop his emotional competence. (Brain that feels) He displays continual emotional vulnerability within his relationships when he risks both knowing and being fully known. He puts others at ease by smiling, complimenting, listening, attending to, and laughing with them.

Love causes him to make thoughtful decisions (brain that thinks) regarding the ways he can demonstrate love practically to others. He: Thinks about doing what the other person desires to do. Gives thoughtful presents or gifts. Helps another person reach important life goals.

Love causes him to make thoughtful decisions (brain that thinks) regarding the ways he can demonstrate love practically to others. He: Grows with others, by his participation in novel experiences that they desire to experience together. Shares his wisdom on completing forest tasks.

Love necessitates the thoughtful sharing of positive chain mail beliefs.

Love reveals the soul’s desire to create a meaningful life with others. Love, when the spirit is alive, utilizes God’s spirit to guide the interpersonal connection toward a greater good.

Love requires the wise application of armor during any interpersonal communication. A knight often risks being hurt in order to communicate deep feelings and thoughts. He may experience his lover’s pain. He may discover how he has legitimately harmed the loved individual. He may hear negative opinions about himself that are not true.

“You should not have gloated over their destruction when they were suffering such calamity.” Obadiah

The knight needs to protect himself enough, so that he does not permanently “quit” the relationship. He also needs to be flexible, ready to drop his armor, and open himself to the other individual’s apology.