Energy4All Annual General Meeting 2017 Future development priorities


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Presentation transcript:

Energy4All Annual General Meeting 2017 Future development priorities Mike Smyth – Chair, Energy4All Second part is to talk on the future and to seek your guidance Winner of a 2012 Ashden Award.

Energy4All – committed service improvements 2017/8 IT upgrade continuing Continued improvement in communications; quarterly newsletters Increased contract control and enhanced co- operative buying Increased resource allocated to asset management

Energy4All – committed development 2017/8 Funding of Mean Moor windfarm Construction at Rainepower, Arrochar, Schools and Springbok Potential 4 x Falck shared ownership wind projects Funding of additional schools Feasibility of Yorkshire Main consented single turbine Feasibility on two Scottish hydro projects The Energy4All family of community energy co- operatives makes this possible.

Future development – 2017/8 Where can we best improve operations? Roof top solar can still be viable Hydro on the best sites Shared ownership wind Renewable heat and district heating LEDs Second hand sites with special features Ireland Storage and electricity supply; Co-operative Energy Co-operative development Kiss a lot of frogs. Currently work on 3 hydro. 4 shared ownership wind. Lot of schools. Commercial landlord (one in and one out). Railway company. Heat, mainly Scotland. LEDs, mainly schools. Solar on factories. 2 Irish projects, one wind and one solar. Some may be via existing co-ops developing. Some may be new if big enough in realistic ambition . Lower returns Effective application of community benefit funds Fuel poverty