Persuasive Power Keywords


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Presentation transcript:

Persuasive Power Keywords Learning objective: To explore the effectiveness of intonation and language in advertising your Young Cook recipe. Resources required Thesauruses Storyboards Short clips of adverts (M&S ‘not just any food’ adverts on YouTube makes a great starting point). See video resources provided. Large sheets of paper Recipe books with wide range of photographs A selection of images for each film (either photos of the dishes themselves, hand drawn pictures or images collated from elsewhere to represent their dishes) Adult support Model using TAG effectively Help create and display a toolkit for success Create a word bank for reference during the starter game Follow up activities Use the films to apply for Young Cook competition Share the favourite ad decided by the class in an assembly/VLE   Duration 120 mins Theme Food Subject focus English – Persuasive writing Age group Year 6 Learning outcomes (differentiated) MUST recognise how language can influence an audience SHOULD­ perform own composition using appropriate intonation and language COULD use feedback to review and develop ideas Starter Play an advert which is selling food by using emotive language (the older style M&S ones are ideal or use the ones provided). Stop the advert and ask: how did the advert make you feel? What did you notice? What sticks in your minds? Why? Start to chat about how this was achieved. Play the advert again giving the children the chance to look and listen more carefully. Ask them to jot down any words they hear that are particularly emotive. Repeat with another advert or two. Together create a toolkit for a persuasive advert. Organise the class into teams. Show a picture of some tasty food that will appeal to them. Once the game begins, a representative from each team must step forward and call out/hold up a whiteboard with an adjective to describe the food. If they call out the same adjective at the same time as someone else then they are out and sit down. Similarly, if the adjective has already been used, they are out. Main activity Explain to the children they will be creating their own advert to advertise their Young Cook recipes. The children can work in groups and simply advertise each recipe one after the other, as in the adverts. Give each group 5 thought bubbles written on a large sheet of paper labelled ‘tastes’, ‘looks’, ‘smells’, ‘sounds’ and ‘feels’. Ask them to start collating adjectives and adjectival phrases they may use in their film for each category. Keep this fast paced with the children all able to add at the same time. Review the list. Together agree and circle the three strongest words/phrases under each heading. Invite the children to use a thesaurus to expand the list. Again, keep this fast paced to maintain enthusiasm. If possible, give the children a range of recipe books packed full of tasty images to get their creative juices flowing! Keywords Persuade, key audience, emotive, adjectives, intonation, Emphasis, pace

their audience - clear intonation - persuasive language Next, each group can plan their advert by using the storyboard template, building in emotive language from their lists. As they work, encourage the groups to consider: their audience - clear intonation - persuasive language As part of the Young Cook competition the children have had to produce a recipe which is low in sugar. How can they persuade people that it will still be super tasty and a healthy option? Role play the advert from the storyboard and once confident film their advert. Review and invite peer review. Consider using TAG: T – Tell them something you like | A – Ask them a question | G – Give them a suggestion Each group will then need time to make amendments and refilm. This process may have to be repeated several times. Plenary Share and celebrate the finished advert. How successfully did each group persuade us that a low sugar option is the best option? Extension tasks If participating in the maths/DT packaging lesson, incorporate this into the final film Submit your videos as part of your Young Cook competition entry Reflective notes Curriculum links English Participate in discussions, presentations, performances, role play, improvisations and debates Use spoken language to develop understanding through speculating, hypothesising, imagining and exploring ideas Use a thesaurus Perform their own compositions, using appropriate intonation, volume, and movement so that meaning is clear Identifying the audience for and purpose of the writing, selecting the appropriate form and using other similar writing as models for their own Noting and developing initial ideas, drawing on reading and research where necessary ICT Select, use and combine a variety of software (including internet services) on a range of digital devices to design and create a range of programs, systems and content that accomplish given goals, including collecting, analysing, evaluating and presenting data and information PSHE Recognise the importance of physical activity and diet for a healthy lifestyle