Student id baDge policy The purpose of this policy is to increase the sight security of all students @ Corsicana Middle school. Ensuring safety and security for all staff and students is our top priority each and every day.
Student id baDge policy Student ID BADGE will be provided to every student. A student’s ID BADGE authorizes a student to be on campus. EVERY student must wear their ID BADGE at all times while on school grounds. It is crucial that we are able to identify everyone on campus. Identification of staff and students is a safety issue and will not be compromised. The ID Badge must be presented to any school staff member or person of authority when seeking identification.
The following guidelines must be adhered to when wearing their ID Badges: School IDs cannot be worn on a shirtsleeve, pants, outside of pockets, under a coat/jacket or at the bottom of their shirt. If a student is wearing a jacket, the lanyard must be on the outside of the jacket and visible. The front and back of the ID Badge must remain plain and free of stickers, markings, other photos, etc. ID badge Must be present to get in free to any home cisd extracurricular activity ID Badge can be used in the lunch line in place of entering student lunch account number
The following guidelines must be adhered to when wearing their ID Badges: Lost, stolen, altered, damaged and defaced ID Badges must be replaced IMMEDIATELY. Badges can be replaced in the front office. As soon as a student arrives on campus they will report to the front office if a replacement id badge is needed Throughout the day student will be sent to the front office if a replacement id is needed $1 charge for each replacement student id
Consequences For Not Displaying/Possessing School ID 1st Violation - Warning and new id issued 2nd Violation - Warning and new id issued 3rd violation - Warning and new id issued 4th Violation – Lunch D-Hall 5th Violation – 2 lunch D-halls 6th Violation – ISS
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