Creative Writing Contest Teacher Site Use – View/Edit/Delete Student Entries
Step 1: Go to the CWC Teacher Site at Please bookmark this site as you will go to it often. Remember, this site is available for your use 24/7.
Step 2: Please note at any time you can click on the below prompt to us if you need a question answered. We will get back to you as soon as we can.
Step 3: At the top of the Creative Writing Contest Teacher Site page, click on Teacher Login.
Step 4: Log in with your user name and password.
Step 5: Click on the View/Edit Student Entries box.
Step 6: Look for the students name and title that you wish to View/Edit/Delete. We strongly encourage you to first VIEW the submission by clicking on VIEW.
Step 7: In this VIEW section, look at all the information. If the ENTRY information such as title or student name is incorrect, you can go back by clicking the Go Back to Student List and use the EDIT button to correct information.
Step 8: Look for the students name and title that you wish to EDIT. Click EDIT.
Step 9: EDIT as needed and Click UPDATE.
Step 10: Click VIEW to see if entry was updated and that all information is correct.
Step 11: Back in the VIEW section, you see many misspelled words as well as part of the body of work is missing in this entry. You need to DELETE this entry. Go back by clicking the Go Back to Student List and use the DELETE button to DELETE the entry.
Step 12: Find the correct entry ID to DELETE, then click the DELETE button.
Step 13: Click YES to DELETE the entry and all its information. Please NOTE: Once you delete an entry, TST-BOCES can not retrieve it. Please be cautious with this function.
Step 14: You will be prompted back to your Students Entries page. If you deleted the entry correctly, you will see The Student Entry has been successfully deleted. You will also see the entry missing in the Student Entry section. Your student can now submit an entry to the Contest.
Step 15: Our new Creative Writing Contest WIKI Teachers Page has this Teacher Site Use – View/Edit/Delete Student Entries Power Point to view at your leisure. We will be adding more helpful or interesting items soon, so check back often.