Power Query Tips & Tricks Rushabh Mehta | Founder & President, Matchbook Services
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About Me (@rushabhmehta) Founder & President, Matchbook Services 20+ Years implementing Microsoft BI and Analytical solutions Principal Architect, SolidQ Community Past President, Professional Association for SQL Server Microsoft Data Platform MVP (11 years) Melissa Data MVP Dun & Bradstreet MVP
Agenda Intro to PowerQuery Tips & Tricks Q&A
Intro to Power Query Add-in for Microsoft Excel and part of Power BI to Query and transform data Access to a variety of sources Primary audience is end users of the data Enables self-service data discovery and modeling for reporting and analytics Captures history of transformations Point-in-time view of data being modeled Range of transformations to model, shape and transform your data Powerful M language support for advanced customization
Demo Power Query Basics
Tips & Tricks Rename query and steps for better visibility and code management Enable the formula bar Remove columns no longer required Consider splitting datetime columns into 2 columns (Date and Time) Query append allows you to “Union” 2 data sets Can use it to parse JSON Change datatype of Date column to Date
Demo Power Query Tips & Tricks
References https://support.office.com/en-us/article/Introduction- to-Microsoft-Power-Query-for-Excel-6E92E2F4-2079- 4E1F-BAD5-89F6269CD605 http://satalyst.com/power-query-creating-a- parameterized-function-in-m/ https://www.powerquery.training/
Fun Links for Data List of Airline Codes https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/List_of_airline_codes_(A ) English Alphabet https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/English_alphabet oData Link http://services.odata.org/V3/Northwind/Northwind.svc /
Q&A rmehta@matchbookservices.com / rmehta@sqlpass.org @rushabhmehta https://www.linkedin.com/in/rushabhbmehta/