2019 LSHS Baseball Meeting Agenda Introduction of LSHS Baseball Board Introduction of Team Captains LSHS Activities Director Tom Dasovich Coach Goodman – Tryout Process & 2019 Coaches Baseball Spring Fees & Budget Uniform Orders Brandon Peterson – College Recruiting Process Other Notes End of Meeting
LSHS Baseball board President: Bryan Mileski - bryanmileski@yahoo.com Vice President: Heather Allen – alle9563@isd194.org Treasurer: Angie Korsa – agkorsa@yahoo.com Secretary: Patty English – patricia.English@isd194.org Booster Team & Grade Level Contacts: Middle School: Cindi Segna – cindi@cindisegna.com Freshman: Sally Costa – slcosta@charter.net Sophomores: Melissa Endres – melissaendres@gmail.com Juniors: Keri Rateliff – keri.Rateliff@gmail.com Seniors: Bryan Mileski – bryanmileski@yahoo.com
Senior Jack Sprengeler 2019 team captains Senior Duke Benge Senior Jack Sprengeler Senior Trevor Korsa
LSHS Activities Director Guest speaker Tom Dasovich LSHS Activities Director
Tryout process and coaches Bill Goodman LSHS Baseball Head Coach
Agenda Introduction of the Coaches Bus schedule Tryout Process Questions and Answers
TRYOUT SCHEDULE March 11th Pitcher & Catcher starting at 5:30 pm in the gym NO PRACTICE ON March 14th March 18th through March 22nd starts at 3:00 pm in the gym
Lakeville South High School PLAYER EVALUATION SYSTEM
CRITERIA for our EVALUATION SYSTEM All players have the same evaluation It quantifies the evaluation It MINIMIZES SUBJECTIVITY It is CLEARLY COMMUNICATED
PROCESS Position Evaluations primarily are based upon the 4 Tools: 1. Speed 2. Hitting 3. Arm Strength 4. Fielding
PROCESS INFIELDERS EVALUATON: All infielders {except first base} at short * 8 balls hit to each * 2 at them * 2 to the left * 2 to the right * 2 slow rollers * All throws to 1st Base with radar gun behind
PROCESS 1st BASEMAN EVALUATION: * 8 Balls * 3-6-3 double plays * gun behind 2nd base
PROCESS OUTFIELDERS EVALUATION: All outfielders in one end of the gym * 6 balls hit to each – combination of all * 2 at them * 1 left * 1 right * 2 charge All throws to an infielder through relay/gun behind the infielder
PROCESS CATCHER EVALUATION: * Pop Times * Six (6) on Monday and Tuesday * Wednesday as needed * Receiving * As pitchers throw pens
PROCESS PITCHER EVALUATION: * Utilize 2 mounds: Warm-up mound #1 Evaluation mound #2 * Same catcher follows pitcher through * Radar gun at evaluation mound
PROCESS * 2 sets of 10: PITCHER EVALUATION: 1 - Velocity -- 10 FB 2–5 Breaking balls , 5 change ups Evaluation of strikes based on pitches thrown during the sets
PROCESS HITTER EVALUATION: * set of 2 bunts and 8 swings * Coach Pitched * Coach calls bunt location * Hits to the opposite field * 1 cage for warm-up/1 for evaluation
PROCESS SPEED EVALUATION: * 2 60 Yd. Dash times * only need to run once * begin on movement of runner * start from baserunning position * start on foul line * OF/C run when IF evaluated: switch
PROCESS SPEED EVALUATION: * Home to First * only need to run once * begin on contact with the ball * start from batting stance * Run from home plate to first base * Batter start on left or right side of the box * OF/C run when IF evaluated: switch
PROCESS SPEED EVALUATION: * Steal Time * only need to run once * Runners will start with their left foot on a line 9 feet from first base * The clock will start on the first movement of the RHP pitcher’s stride foot * The clock will stop when the runner touches second base
WHY THIS TRYOUT EVALUATON SYSTEM Permits us to make best decisions for the PROGRAM: * Who should make the team? * Who should play at what level? * Who should play what position? Permits us to make best decisions for the PLAYERS: * What skills do I need to work on? * What do I do well? * Why am I playing this position?
WHY THIS TRYOUT EVALUATON SYSTEM Permits us to properly COMMUNICATE WITH PLAYERS, PARENTS AND ADMINISTRATION: * How could you place my kid there? * Why is this parent calling my office? * Coach: Why did I get cut?
WHY THIS TRYOUT EVALUATON SYSTEM Permits us to properly COMMUNICATE WITH COLLEGES AND SCOUTS: * Why can your player play at my level? * What are positive and negatives? * Quantifies your conversation
DATA DRIVEN A DETAILED RUBRIC Quantifies and streamlines varying opinions of us: good, ok, great, bad to a number. Allows a player to be properly evaluated against his peers: Grades players on a score of 2-8, with 5 being the average, varsity, high school player
*specific details and dates subject to change at program discretion Key dates Feb. 27: LSHS Baseball Parent / Player Meeting Mar. 11: Pitchers & Catchers Report March 11, 12, 13 & 15th from 5:30-7:30pm with no practice on March 14th Mar. 18: All Players Report March 18-21 from 3:00-5:00pm Mar. 22: Freshman & Sophomore Teams Posted Mar. 25: Varsity / JV Dundes Dome Scrimmage Varsity / JV Teams Posted Mar. 28-31: Iowa Spring Baseball Trip Apr. 8: Scheduled First Game vs Farmington *specific details and dates subject to change at program discretion
High level spring budget Miscellaneous Expense: Dundes Dome Rental for Tryout Scrimmage $900 Banners for Dugout $50 Return Bus Trips $1,300 Spring Trip: Attend College Baseball Game $350 Spring Trip Field Rental for Practice & Scrimmage $200 Additional Coaches: Stipends $11,000 Equipment & Uniforms: Hats $1,200 TOTAL BUDGET $15,000
2019 baseball fees Online District Registration Fee $300 $0 of this fees goes to LSHS Baseball directly this fee covers busing to games, umpires, 1 coach stipend per team Booster Fee: $300 Less: Social Participation ($100) Total – Collected Prior to Tryouts $200 Spring Trip: Varsity & JV Only TBD *Discuss Fundraising Plans Going Forward
Volunteers needed Important Date: Saturday, April 6 - Prepare for the Opener Other Volunteer Roles: Public Address Announcers (Both Varsity & JV Games) Official Scorekeepers / Gamechanger App Write Up / Summary of Games at all Levels
Link will open and be emailed out Thursday, Feb Link will open and be emailed out Thursday, Feb. 28 and close EOD Monday, Mar. 4 2 Pant Color Options: All players order White pants, Varsity players must also order Gray
College Recruiting Process Guest speaker Brandon Peterson College Recruiting Process
End of meeting Play Ball!