Safe Touch Middle School Grades 6-8 Material for this presentation was attained from West County Psychological Associates© Power Point presentation created by Andrea Witt, Coordinator of Training—Safe Environment Program
Physical Behavioral Emotional Part 1: BOUNDARIES Boundaries are limits. Boundaries are personal rules. Boundaries tell us what is safe and not safe. Emotional Behavioral
QUESTIONS What are some examples of boundaries? How might you react if someone crosses your boundaries? How do you feel when someone crosses your boundaries?
Our bodies are gifts from God! Part 2: Safe Touch Our bodies are gifts from God! Some parts of our bodies are private. There are rules about who can touch the private parts of our bodies.
Safe Touch People, like doctors and nurses for example, need our parent’s permission to touch the private areas of our bodies. If someone touches us without permission, we may get that uncomfortable feeling that tells us something is wrong.
Safe Touch the person is younger, our own age, or older. If we get that uncomfortable feeling, the responsible choice is to: Get away and tell a safe adult what has happened. We should tell, even if: the person is younger, our own age, or older. the person is someone we know. the person is male or female.
Say NO. Use a firm, clear voice. Get away from that person. Part 3: 3 Important Steps If someone touches you in a private area of your body, or asks you to touch them, you should: Say NO. Use a firm, clear voice. Get away from that person. Tell a safe adult as soon as possible.
A safe adult may not be the same person for everyone. Examples Include: Parents Teachers Counselors Friend’s parents Close relatives Keep telling until someone listens to you and keeps you safe!
What are the three steps to take? QUESTION: What are the three steps to take? ?
Part 4: Rules for Safety Never go places alone. Tell someone where you’re going. Never get in cars with strangers. Be suspicious of adults who seem too friendly. Trust your instincts!!! Never post private information or photos online.
Rules for Safety, cont. Only talk online to people you know in “real life”. Tell a safe adult if someone makes you feel uncomfortable. No one has the right to touch the private parts of your body. If someone threatens you, scream to attract attention. Never keep secrets. (Know the difference between a secret and a surprise!)
Rules for Safety Predators use tricks to lure kids. Never go with a stranger, even if they say something like: The stranger has lost his pet and needs your help to find it. The stranger is lost and needs directions. Your mom and dad is hurt or sick and told the stranger to pick you up. You have won a contest or are invited to a “modeling tryout”.
Thank you for attending STAY SAFE! Material for this presentation was attained from West County Psychological Associates© Power Point presentation created by Andrea Witt, Coordinator of Training—Safe Environment Program