4 categories of Health Care Therapeutic & Treatment: nursing, physical therapy, surgery, dental, eye… Diagnostic: laboratory, radiology Research: Researcher Environmental: Dietary, biomedical engineering
Symptoms Objective: Symptoms that are evident to the observer Subjective: Symptoms perceptible only to the person
Scope of Practice Defines the actions, procedures… that are permitted by law for a specific profession
Certification The process of determining whether a person has met predetermined standards Meet education requirements Pass a professional examination
Licensure The person has been granted permission to legally perform certain acts Granted by government agency
Registration Being placed on an official list after meeting the educational and testing requirements
Code of Ethics Standards of professional conduct: ensures high quality of care Hippocratic Oath
Integrity Adherence to moral & ethical principles, good moral character, honesty
Autonomy Self-determination: patients have the right to make their own decisions Choose treatment Be involved in care
Consent Grant Permission Informed Consent: Verbal and written risks are reviewed and signed Implied Consent: The actions of the parties creates the consent
Ethics Ethics is a branch of philosophy that addresses questions about morality, concepts such as good & evil, right & wrong, virtue and vice, justice & crime
Ethics Is the study of values, of how we ought to live Often used interchangeably with morals & values A systematic, rational reflection upon a behavior
Values Are defined as standards or ideals which serve as guides to conduct and decision making