Who does what in L&D? Add in video from Battle of the Sexes (Billie Jean King) & USA Women’s Soccer team With Matt Lauer Things really have not changed in 40 years!
2015 What are our job titles? Female Male Word clouds of job titles of 1,362 job titles of members of the Learning and Skills Group.
Who’s in the group? Who’s in what roles? Orange #ED7D31 237, 125, 49 Blue #3FA9F5 Split across 1,362 members of the Learning and Skills Group who chose to express their gender. Job titles including the words: Lead Manager Senior Supervisor Officer Analysis conducted May 2015 by Donald H Taylor.
Who’s in what roles? Job titles including the words: Orange #ED7D31 237, 125, 49 Blue #3FA9F5 Job titles including the words: Job titles including the words: Administrator Assistant Coordinator Lead Manager Senior Supervisor Officer (ex CLO) Director CEO Head Partner President VP Chief MD CLO Where job titles contain more than one key word, typically the more senior role was selected.
2018 –What now? LinkedIn article: https://www.linkedin.com/pulse/women-ld-still-top-donald-h-taylor Based on anonymized data from 2,635 members of the Learning and Skills Group, an online L&D community. Donald H Taylor, March 2018 1,188 women 1,447 men Image: George Hodan LinkedIn article: https://www.linkedin.com/pulse/women-ld-still-top-donald-h-taylor http://bit.ly/LnDgender2018
2018 –What now? LinkedIn article: https://www.linkedin.com/pulse/women-ld-still-top-donald-h-taylor Based on anonymized data from 2,635 members of the Learning and Skills Group, an online L&D community. Donald H Taylor, March 2018 1,188 women 1,447 men 30% 70% Mid-authority roles (UK) Senior authority roles (UK and US) 48% 52% 2,059 members 131 members Mid-authority roles (US) 57% 43% Senior authority roles by age At every age, a smaller proportion of women are employed in senior level roles, with the gap widest in members’ 40s n=531 n=876 n=1,139 n=89 Image: George Hodan LinkedIn article: https://www.linkedin.com/pulse/women-ld-still-top-donald-h-taylor http://bit.ly/LnDgender2018
Mid-authority roles (UK) Senior authority roles (UK and US) Based on anonymized data from 2,635 members of the Learning and Skills Group, an online L&D community. Donald H Taylor, March 2018 1,188 women 1,447 men 30% 70% Mid-authority roles (UK) Senior authority roles (UK and US) 48% 52% 2,059 members 131 members Mid-authority roles (US) 57% 43% Senior authority roles by age At every age, a smaller proportion of women are employed in senior level roles, with the gap widest in members’ 40s n=531 n=876 n=1,139 n=89 Image: George Hodan LinkedIn article: https://www.linkedin.com/pulse/women-ld-still-top-donald-h-taylor http://bit.ly/LnDgender2018
Women in Learning to ME …to SCK