Communist Government and a Capitalist Economy
China Becomes Communist Zedong Rule 1949-1976 Mao Zedong established the People's Republic of China October 1, 1949. Based on Marxism-Leninism with a rural / peasant focus 1958 5 year plan to increase agriculture and industry but failed due to poor products, and poor weather hurt crops.
Communist China Under Mao Industrialized China Increased literacy Class privileges ended One-party dictatorship Denied people basic rights and freedoms
Communist China Under Mao Late 60s to 1975 Designed to renew revolutionary spirit and establish a more equitable society Schools shut down – students revolted Red Guards – students who attacked professors, government officials, factory managers China economy was not growing and unrest was starting to popup around China.
A Red Guard
The reddest, reddest, red sun in our heart, Chairman Mao, and us together Zhejiang Workers, Farmers and Soldiers Art Academy collective, 1968 Mao’s Little Red Book
Propaganda Poster
Propaganda Poster
Deng Xiaoping (1905-1997)
Move toward a more Capitalistic Economy since 1978 Deng Xiaoping gained power in 1978 Launched economic reform People were able to start owning property although very limited at first. Started “Open-door policy”. Relaxed migration control. Xiaoping 4 Modernizations Progress in: Agriculture, Industry, Science, Defense. China still very much Communist on Political matters and personal freedoms
Censorship Censored media include television, print media, ect... Notable censored subjects include: democracy, Tiananmen Square, ethnic independence movements, corruption, police brutality, anarchism, gossip, disparity of wealth, food safety, etc.
Tiananmen Square, 1989 More democracy!
The Tiananmen Square Massacre student led demonstrations exposing deep splits within China's political leadership. Troops with assault rifles and tanks inflicted casualties on unarmed civilians trying to block the military's advance towards Tiananmen Square. The scale of military mobilization and the resulting bloodshed were unprecedented in the history of Beijing
Tiananmen Square, 1989 One Lone Man’s Protest
The Government Clamps Down Tiananmen Square, 1989 The Government Clamps Down
The Reestablishment of Order Tiananmen Square, 1989 The Reestablishment of Order
Your Turn to be a Chinese Censor ! You have received an article on the Tiananmen Square disaster. However, Chinese officials would never allow such an article to disseminate without prior editing. Edit the article as if you were the censor. Cross out, with one line, any information you deem unsuitable for your citizens. Use the space between the lines to rewrite any info you want changed. On the back, rewrite the article as you see fit, that will inform your citizens of the incident.
China Migration to Cities The four largest Chinese cities in 1985 were: Shanghai, 7 million Beijing, 5.9 million Tianjin, 5.4 million Shenyang, 4.2 million Today: Shanghai has 19 million Beijing, 17.4 million. These are the two mega-cities in China.
China Migration from Rural to Urban Situation Factors Due to its access to the Pacific Ocean most of the industrial and economic investment has occurred in the Eastern Provinces.
China has a total urban population of 725 million or 54% of the total population, rising from 26% in 1990. China predictions, nearly 70% of the population will live in urban areas by 2035.
China has experienced the largest migration wave in human history with about 500 millions of its rural population moving to cities over the last 40 years!
Rice Fields next to the city. Shengzhen Rice Fields next to the city. Youqin Huang GOG 350
“Chai” To be demolished
Beijing in 1989
A recent model of Beijing
Discuss as a class. Get together with a partner or small groups and come up with a list of some Push and Pull factors of Urbanization for the Chinses government and rural population.