Coordinator, D.Sc.(Tech) Riitta Kamula University of Oulu Graduate School - UniOGS - Technology and Natural Sciences Doctoral Programme (TNS-DP) Coordinator, D.Sc.(Tech) Riitta Kamula
Actors Director Aulikki Herneoja, D.Sc.(Tech) Coordinator Riitta Kamula, D.Sc.(Tech), riitta.kamula at Related focus institute: Kvantum Institute (1.1.2018 ->) Director Prof. Björn Klöve (Faculty of Technology) Related focus areas of research 2017-2020: Creating sustainability by materials and systems Earth and near-space system and environmental change
Kvantum Institute Started on 1 January, 2018 Tasks include e.g Promotion of multidisciplinary research and enhancing the quality of research in the two strategic focus areas of research during 2017-2020: Creating sustainability by materials and systems Earth and near-space system and environmental change Coordination of the Technology and Natural Sciences Doctoral Program Web page: Successor of a research institute with long history in research, research project coordination and multidiciplinary doctoral training
TNS-DP Activities Supports field specific courses arranged by the research units, research groups etc. Course calender: TNS-DP courses (some still under planning; partly in cooperation): Research plan seminars; goal twice a year: in spring term stand-alone, in autumn term in co-operation with Kvantum Institute Methodology courses Funding infos Doctoral trains Web pages: Facebook: NB: Dissertations – past and future:
Coming courses Autumn 2018 29.10-03.11.2018 Methods of observational astrophysics, Tuorla observatory, University of Turku, 5 cr 5.-9.11.2018 Energy Transition in the North, University of Umeå; Sweden, 5 cr 6.11.2018 - 9.11.2018 Topics in Inverse Scattering Theory, 2 cr 5.-16.11.2018 Finnish Synchrotron Radiation Users Organization Winter Workshop & School 2018, 1 cr 21.-22.11.2018 Research Seminar and Workshop 1-2 cr 26.11-28.11 Sustainable management of nature-human systems in regions with intensive land and water use, 1-2 cr 26.11.2018-30.11.2018 Translational aspects of plant microbiome research by International Centre for Genetic Engineering and Biotechnology (ICGEB), Trieste, Italy 12.- 13.12.2018 Kaamos Symposium, University of Oulu, Finland, 2-4 cr Courses on 2019 Scientific writing, University of Oulu, 2 cr Dimensional Analysis in Engineering (second course in applications), University of Oulu, 2 cr Research Seminar and workshopn 1-2 cr (applicable for research plan seminar); twice a year
480023J Research Plan Seminar, 1-4 cr Provides tools for active participation in scientific conferences, introduces multidisciplinary approach and research items, and provides possibilities for networking. Usually it is organized in connection with a scientific seminar with varying theme; supervisors are invited. Includes preparation and submission of an abstract, public presentation of the research in a form of an oral or poster presentation, and acting as an opponent in the seminar. The number of granted credits depends on the amount of participation and additional work. Course description:
Research plan seminar possibility: Research Seminar and Workshop November 2018 1-2 days Keynotes and introductions of the selected research projects in the two focus areas Researcher presentations by doctoral candidates and other researchers; open for all fields Workshop (optional) Call for abstracts, course description and program will be announced soon
Research seminar October 2017 Sustainable Resource Use and Earth’s Changing Environment - Research Seminar and Workshop on 20.-21.11.2017 Day 1 keynote and introduction of the selected research projects in the two focus areas Day 2 keynote, researcher presentations, and workshop (doctoral candidates) Program:
Funded doctoral student positions All the calls for the funded positions with more information are at