Informative Infographics By Robert DeFrance and Jennifer Naumann
What is an Infographic? An infographic is, “a chart, diagram, or illustration (as in a book or magazine, or on a website) that uses graphic elements to present information in a visually striking way” according to the Merriam-Webster Dictionary.
Keys to an Effective Infographic 1. What Infographics Do Infographics typically tell a story (called a data story), argue, trace a history, or make a comparison
Infographics That Tell a Story
Infographics That Trace a History
Infographics That Trace a History
Infographics That Make a Comparison
Infographics That Make a Comparison
Infographics That Make a Comparison
Keys to an Effective Infographic 2. Presentation Effective infographics are aesthetically pleasing Effective infographics have a visual style and flow (right to left, left to right, top to bottom, etc.) Effective infographics use white space appropriately
Infographics with Good Use of Visual Style and Flow
Infographics with Good Use of White Space (or Negative Space)
Infographics on Video Games
Planning Like Dr. Carol Booth Olson discusses in Thinking Tools for Young Readers and Writers, it is always a good idea to POW Plan Organize Write Take a few minutes to visualize how you want to organize your infographic
Keys to an Effective Infographic 3. Research The best infographics are well-researched Convincing infographics quote and cite accurate and reliable data Infographics cite sources in APA format
Infographic with Cited Sources
Infographic with Cited Sources
Infographics on Music
Infographics on Music
Do’s and Do Not’s of Infographics Balance white space and used space Avoid creating a crowded infographic
Show It (not Explain It)
Creating an Infographic make an infographic
Works Cited “Infographic” Merriam- Webster Dictionary