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Presentation transcript:

Dashboard 101 Toolkit Resource 2018 Dashboard Overview Dashboard 101 Toolkit Resource This presentation provides an overview of the 2018 California School Dashboard design and navigation features. These slides are intended to support Section III of the Dashboard 101 Training Module presented on Jan 29th. More information on the Dashboard 101 Toolkit can be found on the CCEE Resource Collection page (https://ccee-ca.org/resource-collection.asp).

2018 Dashboard Redesign New look and feel Parents and community members Streamlined navigation features Mobile application Technical information still available https://www.caschooldashboard.org/ The 2018 CA School Dashboard includes 7 state indicators and 5 local indicators for each local educational agency (county office, school district, and charter school). The information is organized by Academic Achievement, Academic Engagement, and Conditions and Climate. The redesign provides more streamlined and user-friendly navigation of the information and is now accessible on mobile devices. The slides in this presentation will feature static “screen shots” of the 2018 Dashboard with additional notes to clarify the information that is presented. After you become familiar with the California School Dashboard, we recommend that you navigate the system using a county office, school district, or charter school to familiarize yourself with the system. Please note, you can look up an LEA using your phone! (https://www.caschooldashboard.org/). The redesign of the Dashboard presents information that is more relevant for families and community members and repositions some of the more technical information that LEA administrators may use to further understand performance.

New Homepage This slide displays the homepage. The new design changes the manner in which information is organized and featured. Instead of clicking on tabs to retrieve reports that display data, the tabs across the top of the page will direct you to additional information on the Dashboard. When you click “about”, you will see a drop down menu with additional information on the accountability system that includes FAQs, glossary of terms, etc. “Accountability” will direct you to more information on the accountability system, “FAQ” will direct you to a list of frequently asked questions, “Resources” will direct you to a page of links that provide additional information on the Dashboard, state and local indicators, and the additional data and reports, and Glossary will direct you to the list of terms and acronyms that are commonly used to describe the Dashboard. A new feature is the state summary so LEAs will have a reference point to the state performance. The option to click on more information directs you to DataQuest, SARC and the CA Accountability Model section of the CDE website

District Snapshot When you scroll down from the homepage, you will see the snapshot of the LEA. The example we are using today, with their permission, is Travis Unified that is located in Solano County. The Performance Overview provides the snapshot of all state and local indicators. This section also provides the option to generate a PDF report, these reports can be created by section or one large PDF for the entire Dashboard. There is also an option to view all schools in the district and a tab to view additional reports. The District Performance Overview section is the one place where you can view additional reports, remember this as we come back to the discussion on more technical information that is still available through the Dashboard. The “view additional reports” tab is important because this is where you will retrieve your 5x5 and all student group reports. There is also the option to toggle the year of data being displayed from 2018 and 2017. Please note that results reported in the 2018 and 2017 Dashboards cannot be compared for two reasons: (1) methodology changes were made to all indicators, and (2) a break in the data years exist for select indicators (i.e., 2017 Dashboard used the class of 2015–16 for Graduation Rate Status whereas 2018 Dashboard used the class of 2017–18).

Student Population As you continue to scroll down the page you will find the district contact information and more information on their student population. And as you scroll down through the Dashboard site, you will always have the “show school details” tab at the top and the “about the accountability system” tab at the bottom, regardless of the section you are viewing. The option to view more information will direct you to even more details about the enrollment district demographics.

Academic Performance The first grouping of state and local indicators is the Academic Performance Section. This section includes the Academic Indicator (English Language Arts and Mathematics), English Learner Progress, College/Career Indicator and the local indicator, implementation of academic standards.

Academic Engagement The next section is Academic Engagement (Chronic Absenteeism, Graduation Rate, and the local indicator access to a broad course of study).

Conditions & Climate The final grouping of indicators is the section on Conditions and Climate (Suspension Rate and local indicators basics, parent engagement and local climate survey). All of these groupings are based on the 2017 “detailed reports” and rather than taking up multiple pages to present this information, everything is now consolidated and the navigation is streamlined by scrolling down, rather than pointing and clicking to open a new page.

Here is a close up look of the state indicators for Academic Achievement. Again as you scroll down the page, you will have access to “show school details” and “about the accountability system” in addition to the range of gauges or color options for each indicator.

Indicator Card Another feature that supports the streamlined navigation is the indicator card. The most relevant information on each indicator is now consolidated into this card format. Here is the indicator card for College/Career Indicator that is located within the Academic Performance section. Each indicator has its information displayed as a card and at the top of each card you will see a color that corresponds to the performance level for that indicator. When you click “learn more” you will see the definition of that particular indicator. The indicator card displays the new feature to toggle between the LEA all student performance and state level performance Status is no longer designated as such but here we can see that 47% of students are prepared and that this number declined by 3.6% representing the Change. The combination of these two scores yields the orange performance level. At the bottom of each card is the Equity Report, and when you click “view more details” you will get the complete breakdown of student group performance.

All Students Here is the display that provides more information on the Equity Report with the breakdown by student groups and as you scroll down the page you can see the performance level for each student group. This is the report that is used to help local educational agencies with their local control and accountability plans (LCAPs) and their eligibility for additional support and assistance.

Student Group Performance As you scroll down the page, you can further explore the information located in the Equity Report for the College/Career Indicator. This section provides you with the option to toggle across the performance level (color) by clicking on the color you want to view. Here we see the performance for each student group in the red category. For example, the district performed in the orange range with a current year performance of 47% prepared with a decline of 3.6% from the prior year performance. The African American group shows a current year performance of 33.9% prepared with a decline of 10.8% from prior year performance. While this comparison is helpful, additional information can be located in the 5x5 Placement Report.

Additional Reports Just a reminder that the 5x5 Placement Report can be located using the “Additional Reports” tab

The additional reports is located on the main landing page for each LEA. This is where you will find the 5x5 reports for each indicator, the College/Career Measures Report, Participation Rate Report, and Student Group Report. Here we have clicked on the 5x5 Placement Report for the College/Career Indicator.

This slide shows the display of the 5x5 Placement Report for he College/Career Indicator.

Explore As you explore your Dashboard…. What is one new thing you notice? What is the one area you want to investigate further?

Deeper Dive Select an indicator card to review: What do you see? What might it mean? What additional information is needed to do a deeper dive?

Important Links CA School Dashboard: www.caschooldashboard.org Technical Guide: https://www.cde.ca.gov/ta/ac/cm/ Additional Reports (5x5, all student group): https://www6.cde.ca.gov/californiamodel/ LEAs identified for assistance file: https://www.cde.ca.gov/fg/aa/lc/   State System of Support: https://www.cde.ca.gov/sp/sw/t1/csss.asp

Timeline Date Activity Description SBE November Item 4, Attachment 9 February 2019 SBE Information Memorandum Identification of schools for Comprehensive and Targeted Support and Improvement March 2019 SBE Agenda Items Review possible revisions to the 2019 Dashboard, including the incorporation of results on the California Alternate Assessments into the Academic Indicator Review and approval of the recommended revisions to Parent Engagement (Priority 3) Study Session on CCI history, policy, and multi-year plan for future implementation, including an analysis on the comparability of the CCI measures April 2019 SBE Information Memoranda Options for incorporating the five-year graduation rate into the Dashboard Growth Model update May 2019 Update on options for using the ELPI status in the identification of schools for support under the Every Student Succeeds Act Proposed development of additional modified methods for DASS schools Implementation options for inclusion of the five-year graduation rate into the Dashboard June 2019 Modified methods for DASS schools The table in this slide displays the timeline the California Department of Education presented to the State Board of Education at its November 2018 meeting. This provides some of the activities that will be taking place over the next few months related to the Dashboard. SBE November Item 4, Attachment 9

Reference Section

Overview of 2018 State Indicators Proposed Update/Revision Chronic Absenteeism (K-8) “Status” and “Change” cut scores, Performance Level Suspension Rate (K-12) No changes English Learner Progress (1-12) “Status” and “Change” included in the Dashboard 2020 Graduation Rate (9-12) Revised “Status” cut scores for the four-year adjusted cohort Revised criteria for determining graduates in the DASS graduation rate for alternative schools (i.e., removal of “certificates of completion” as meeting graduate criteria) Combined graduation rate for comprehensive districts with DASS schools College/Career Indicator (9-12) “Change” cut scores, Performance Level Academic Indicator (3-8, 11) “Status” and “Change” cut scores for grade 11 Smarter Balanced Summative Assessments Inclusion of the Participation Rate Here is a table that provides an overview of the state indicators. As you can see all f the indicators except Suspension Rate are revised or entirely new to the system. New to the 2018 Dashboard: Chronic Absenteeism Indicator receives a performance level (color) as “Status” and “Change” cut scores are complete Graduation Rate Indicator: now includes a one-rate for alternative schools, also referred to as the Dashboard Alternative School Status (DASS) Grade 12 Graduation Rate. The “Status” cut scores for the four-year adjusted cohort have also been revised. College/Career Indicator (CCI): The “Change” cut scores are included to provide a Performance Level (color) Academic Indicator: “Status” and “Change” cut scores for grade 11 Smarter Balanced Summative Assessments; all Academic Indicator scores have been adjusted if the participation rate is less than 95% (note this adjustment is not explicitly referenced on the Dashboard and the participation rate by student group is provided as a separate additional report).

School Level Dashboard Reports Non-DASS DASS Academic Indicator X Suspension Rate Chronic Absenteeism(K-8) X (K-8) English Learner Progress X* Graduation Rate 4-yr. cohort Grade 12 DASS Rate College/Career Indicator This table provides a high-level comparison of the indicators for Non-DASS and DASS schools. As you can see, all schools are being measured on the same state indicators, the distinction for DASS is specific to the graduation rate and CCI. We have these two indicators in bold because of the modification which we will discuss in more depth. In March 2018, the SBE reviewed proposed revisions for the 2018 Dashboard, including the incorporation of modified methods for DASS schools (https://www.cde.ca.gov/be/ag/ag/yr18/documents/mar18item01.docx). In May 2018, the SBE approved methodology for calculating the DASS Grad Rate (one-year graduation rate) (https://www.cde.ca.gov/be/ag/ag/yr18/documents/may18item02.docx). *EL Progress Indicator color will be included in the 2020 Dashboard

4-yr. cohort to calculate CCI** LEA Dashboard Reports COE District Non-DASS Charter DASS Academic Indicator X Suspension Rate Chronic Absenteeism X (K-8) English Learner Progress X* Graduation Rate Grade 12 DASS Rate 4-yr. cohort rate** 4-yr. cohort rate College/Career Indicator 4-yr. cohort to calculate CCI ** 4-yr. cohort to calculate CCI** This table provides a high-level comparison of the indicators across the county office of education, district, and non-DASS and DASS charters. *EL Progress Indicator color will be included in the 2020 Dashboard ** DASS School performance rolled up to the District Dashboard Report; Apply revised status cut scores to comprehensive high schools (i.e., schools with a four-year graduation cohort rate), and LEAs that have both comprehensive high schools and DASS schools (These LEAs will have a combined graduation rate consisting of the four-year cohort and DASS graduation rate.) ; These same cut scores will be applied to the Non-DASS charter schools.

Chronic Absenteeism Status: Reported for first time Change: Reported for first time Difference between 2018 and 2017 data Performance Level (Colors): Reported for first time Status, Change, and five-by-five colored table approved at November 2018 State Board of Education (SBE) meeting Source: California Department of Education

Chronic Absenteeism Indicator Criteria: Include only students who were enrolled for at least 31 instructional days Assign same weight to all students who meet the chronically absent criteria (absent 10 percent or more of the instructional days they were enrolled to attend) Using this methodology, the statewide mean chronic absenteeism rates are: LEAs (including charter schools): 8.7 percent Schools: 8.9 percent Source: California Department of Education

English Learner Progress Indicator (ELPI) Color Not reported in 2018 Dashboard due to transition to English Language Proficiency Assessments for California (ELPAC) In July 2018 the SBE approved a three-year Dashboard Timeline (see the following slide) Source: California Department of Education

ELPI Dashboard Timeline Item 2018 2018 Dashboard includes reports on ELPAC performance levels 2019 2019 Dashboard includes Status only for the ELPI 2020 2020 Dashboard includes Status and Change for the ELPI Source: California Department of Education

Changes: Graduation Rate Indicator New business rules for calculating the four-year cohort rate Change no longer uses a 3-year average Class of 2018 minus Class of 2017 DASS graduation rate: DASS schools will be held responsible for the DASS grade 12 graduation rate and the results will be included in their district’s graduation rate DASS schools will continue to receive a four-year cohort graduation rate on DataQuest for informational purposes Five-year cohort rate will be reported for informational purposes

College/Career Indicator (CCI) Status: Based on Class of 2018 Change: Reported for first time Difference between Class of 2018 and Class of 2017 Change cut scores approved at November 2018 SBE meeting Performance Level (Colors): Reported for first time Source: California Department of Education

Current CCI Measures Completion International Baccalaureate (IB) Exams Grade 11 Smarter Balanced Summative Assessments Advanced Placement (AP) Exams Career Technical Education (CTE) Pathway College Credit Course (Previously referenced as dual enrollment) a-g Completion LEAs and schools across the state define “dual” enrollment and “concurrent” enrollment differently Therefore, the “dual enrollment” name has been changed to “College Credit Course” to specify that: Both dual enrollment and concurrent enrollment are included in the CCI as long as the student earns college credit Source: California Department of Education

New CCI Measures State Seal of Biliteracy (SSB) Leadership/Military Science The SBE approved the following indicators to be included in the 2018 Dashboard for the CCI State Seal of Biliteracy “Prepared” Level: Student earns the SSB and scores At least “Standard Met” on ELA and At least “Standard Nearly Met” on mathematics “Approaching Prepared” Level: Students earns the SSB and scores At least “Standard Met” on ELA (Note: The mathematics criteria is removed) Golden State Seal Merit Diploma “Prepared” Level: Student earns the GSSMD: Stand-alone measure “Approaching Prepared” Level: Do not include any criteria for “Approaching Prepared” Based on analyses for the Leadership Military Science (course code that applies to more then just JROTC): “Prepared” Level: Student completes at least two years of JROTC and scores: At least “Standard Met” in ELA or math, and At least “Standard Nearly Met” in the other subject area “Approaching Prepared” Level: Student completed at least two years of JROTC Leadership/Military Science Course Code Definition: Students participate in a physical conditioning program aimed at promoting military values and military precision in group activities, such as rifle corps or marching squad. For secondary students, this course also brings together information from other subject areas, and relates these skills and knowledge to a military setting. Examples include engine mechanics, electricity or electronics, and aviation technique. Note: These two measures, along with placement criteria for each measure, were approved at September 2018 SBE meeting. Source: California Department of Education

Academic Indicator: Reporting Grade 11 Results In accordance with California’s approved Every Student Succeeds Act (ESSA) State Plan: Grade 11 results from the Smarter Balanced Summative Assessments will be reported as an Academic Indicator Status and Change cut scores approved at the November 2018 SBE meeting for high schools and high school districts Unified School District will continue to have performance levels based on current cut scores Source: California Department of Education