The Cold War Era
The Cold War Causes 1. What was the Cold War? a war of words and ideas between the Soviet Union and United States; (had worked together to win WW2);had different ideas, government, and economics
2. How and why did the Cold War begin? Differences in goals and ideologies between the U.S.A and the Soviet Union; U.S.A was democratic and capitalist (govt.- people control business and services); the Soviet Union was dictatorial and communist (in which the gov’t controls the nation’s natural and capital resources) The Soviet Union domination over Eastern European countries America’s policy of containment, to stop the spread of Communism
D. competition between the North Atlantic Treaty Organization (NATO), which represented the U.S.A and its allies; and the Warsaw Pact which represented the Soviet Union and its allies. 3. What was the Warsaw Pact? A pact that said if a NATO nation attacked a country in the pact, all the Warsaw Pact countries would come to its defense (Soviet Union and its allies).
The Iron Curtain 4. Explain the “Iron Curtain”. after WW2, Allies shared control over Germany; Russia controlled Eastern half and U.S, Britain, and France controlled western half; Eastern Berlin was communist and Western was democratic; Iron Curtain was a symbol of the differences between communist and noncommunist; President Harry Truman promised to help any country that U.S.S.R tried to turn communist. This policy was called the Truman Doctrine.
5. What is NATO. What is its purpose 5. What is NATO? What is its purpose? an alliance that was formed with U.S.A, Britain, & most noncommunist countries of Europe. This was called the North Atlantic Treaty Organization ; Its purpose was to keep the U.S.S.R from forcing communism on other countries. 6. Explain the Berlin Wall. a wall that prevented people from leaving East Berlin built by the Soviets;
7. How did the United States and Britain help end the blockade of Berlin? they flew food and supplies into the city since Germans blocked off roads and other ways into East Berlin; known as Berlin Airlift. 8. What is McCarthyism? when Senator Joseph McCarthy headed a movement to root out Communists in America; people accused of being communist lost their jobs, or friends and were arrested; also known as “Red Scare”; he predicted that U.S.A would lose the Cold War
War in Korea 9. Describe the Korean War. South Korea (a free nation) was a nation supported by the U.S.A; In 1950, North Korea (communist) troops invaded South Korea; 16 UN nations joined the fight and were able to push North Korea back; the nations still remain separated today
10. What were the events of the Korean War in 1950. A 10. What were the events of the Korean War in 1950? A. Korea is divided along the 38th parallel. B. North Korea invades South Korea. C. U.S troops arrive to help South Korea. D. China attacks advancing UN troops. E. Korean War ends.
Cuban Missile Crises 11. What was the Cuban Missile Crises? Nikita Khrushchev leader of Russia was a brutal dictator; he began to challenge the U.S which almost ended in a nuclear war in 1961; Russia built secret nuclear missile bases in Cuba; they thought that U.S might attack Cuba;
John F. Kennedy ordered the U John F. Kennedy ordered the U.S navy to blockade Cuba so that Soviet ships with missiles could eventually not reach Cuba; Khrushchev ordered ships with missiles to turn back before they reached U.S ships; eventually the missiles were removed from Cuba
12. What was an effect of the Cuban Missile Crises 12. What was an effect of the Cuban Missile Crises? A direct telephone line or “hot line” was set up between Washington D.C and Moscow to discuss critical problems; both countries also decided to limit the testing of the nuclear weapons to protect the safety of citizens; many died
Vietnam War 13. Remember, what did the United States try to do during the Cold War? stop the spread of communism 14. Who were the Vietcong? communist fighters who went into South Vietnam
15. Why did U. S leaders decide to send soldiers to Vietnam. the U 15. Why did U.S leaders decide to send soldiers to Vietnam? the U.S sent soldiers to help prevent communists from overthrowing the South Vietnamese government 16. What did the Vietcong do to fight against the technology of the U.S military? they fought in small groups and hid in the jungle 17. Why did people not want South Vietnam to become Communist? People thought that if South Vietnam became communist, this would cause a “Domino Theory” (many other countries in Asia would become communist too).
18. How did the Vietnam War end. It ended in a cease-fire; U 18. How did the Vietnam War end? It ended in a cease-fire; U.S troops withdrew from the country in 1973, however two years later, North Vietnam took over South Vietnam for good; today Vietnam is one country under Communist; the Vietnam War a violent war fought in thick jungles. South Vietnam Allies North Vietnam United States Australia New Zealand South Korea Thailand Philippines Soviet Union China
19. Why did opposition to the war grow in the United States as the fighting continued? the cost in dollars and in lives kept growing 20. How did people show their opposition to the Vietnam War? they took part in antiwar demonstrations and marches 21. What were some effects of the war on the United States? thousands of Americans died; U.S was not able to stop communism in Vietnam