Possessive Pronouns Fortner
From Bounce Back by Sheryl Swoopers One Minute Warm Up: Which two words in this sentence show ownership? What other similar words do you know? During my third year in Little Dribblers, our team qualified for the national championships. From Bounce Back by Sheryl Swoopers
You know that possessive nouns show ownership. A pronoun can replace a possessive noun. A pronoun that shows ownership Is called a POSSESSIVE PRONOUN
Daniels mug is on the table. His mug is on the table.
Some possessive pronouns are always used with nouns. Other possessive pronouns always stand alone.
Before Nouns: Her mug is red. Our glasses are clean Stand Alone: That mug is theirs. This is mine, not hers.
The pronouns his and its can be used with nouns or can stand alone The pronouns his and its can be used with nouns or can stand alone. POSSESSIVE PRONOUNS Used Before Nouns Used Alone my our mine ours your your yours yours his, her, its their his, hers, its their
Do not confuse possessive pronouns with contractions Do not confuse possessive pronouns with contractions. Possessive pronouns do not have apostrophes. Possessive Pronouns Contractions its (belongs to it) it’s (it is) their (belongs to them) they’re (they are) your (belongs to you) you’re (you are)
1. Keith’s cat likes people. Try it out: Replace the underlined word or words with a possessive pronoun. 1. Keith’s cat likes people. 3. I use my family’s computer for homework assignments.. 2. The brown house is Mr. and Mrs. Pratt’s.
4. A computer’s memory is in the hard drive. 5. Aunt Eva’s computer has a hard drive. 6. The guidance counselor used special software for the student’s new September schedules. 7. The only Dalmatian in the neighborhood is in my family’s.
Summing up: Use a possessive pronoun to show ownership replacing a possessive noun. Some possessive pronouns are used with nouns, and some stand alone. Never use an apostrophe in a possessive pronoun.
1. The poster on the bulletin board is (our, ours). Choose the correct word in parenthesis. EXAMPLE: The snake had already shed (it’s, its) skin. 1. The poster on the bulletin board is (our, ours). 2. (Its, It’s) colors are very bright. 3. (Their, They’re) designing (their, they’re) T-shirt logos.
4. (They’re, Their) house is closer than (your’s, yours). 5. (My, Mine) desk needs more work than (you’re, your) desk. 6. (Your, You’re) doing (your, you’re) homework early.
7. I’ll paint (my, mine), and she’ll paint (her, hers). 8. Is that desk really (their’s, theirs)? 9. (Her, Hers) umbrella is so old that (it’s, its) handle is broken. 10. (Your, You’re) aunt is moving to (our, ours) neighborhood.
If you’re skin tingles, lightning is on it’s way If you’re skin tingles, lightning is on it’s way. Get away from tall trees. Their height attracts lightening. Is that bike your’s? Stay off it. Don’t ride in a thunderstorm. Are you with any drivers? Get in theirs car. It’s safe. Is your sister watching TV? Unplug hers TV and all others. Stay away from all electrical appliances. They’re dangerous. Is that ringing telephone our’s? We’ll ignore it. We don’t use ours phone in a storm, and you shouldn’t use your’res.
If you’re skin tingles, lightning is on it’s way If you’re skin tingles, lightning is on it’s way. Get away from tall trees. Their height attracts lightening. Is that bike your’s? Stay off it. Don’t ride in a thunderstorm. Are you with any drivers? Get in theirs car. It’s safe. Is your sister watching TV? Unplug hers TV and all others. Stay away from all electrical appliances. They’re dangerous. Is that ringing telephone our’s? We’ll ignore it. We don’t use ours phone in a storm, and you shouldn’t use your’res.