CII CONFERENCE ON HEALTHCARE PANELISTS FOR THE EVENT June , 2014 The conference organised by the Confederation of Indian Industry (CII), Eastern Region, “2nd Evolving Healthcare Investment landscape- A conference on scope of Private Equity, Venture capital, Debt & Angel funds in Healthcare”, discussed critical issues faced by investors and entrepreneurs in the industry. The discussion table brought together doctor entrepreneurs, fund managers and Investment bankers to exchange thoughts and pave the way forward for further investments. The meeting was held at Kolkata on Saturday June 21. Our Director Mr. Samir Agarwal was amongst the panelist for the event, made presentation on Investment in Healthcare and shared experience & success stories. Our Director Mr. Samir Agarwal(middle) with Mr. Hari Balasubramanian And Mr. P. L. Mehta PANELISTS FOR THE EVENT
CII – “FINANCIAL MARKET CONCLAVE” June , 2014 “Financial Markets’ Conclave” was organised by CII on Saturday, 28 June, 2014 at Oberoi Grand, Kolkata. Indcap was document sponsor to this event.