Do Now Electricity is defined as….. Flow of charges Flow of protons Flow of electrons Flow of neutrons
Flow of electrons is electricity How do electrons flow?
Flow of electrons is like the flow of water What makes water flow?
Flow of electrons is like the flow of water What makes water flow? Flows from a higher ground to lower ground
What makes electrons flow? Flows from higher electron density to lower electron density
But water won’t flow forever Electrons won’t flow forever either, even though we need them to
Just like water fountains need a pump or a generator to keep water flowing, charges also need a pump That’s why we have generators and batteries
If a fountain had a broken pipe, it would not work Same with electrons
Electrons flow in “circuits” The circuit needs to be “closed”
When water flows, it can be just a trickle Or, it could be more
Same with electrons You could have a lot of electrons flowing, or very few flowing This is what we call “current”
Water needs potential energy to flow Electrons need potential difference to flow This is what we call “voltage” Or “electromotive force” But mostly voltage or potential difference
Using current and potential difference, we can figure out how much power you use every second Power used by your house in one second P = V x I “I” stands for current “V” stands for potential difference
How much power does a house that draws 10A of current with a voltage of 5V use every second?
How much energy is used by a house that draws 10A of current with a voltage of 5V use in 30 seconds?
How much current is delivered to a house that used 400W of power with a voltage of 25V?
Remember the difference between “Power” and “Energy” Power is measure every second P = V x I Energy is the power used for more than one second E = P x t
Challenge How much energy is consumed by a household in 3 years if they draw a current of 5A over a potential difference of 18V?
Pick any four to solve!!! How much power is used by a house that draws 35A of current with a potential difference of 9V? How much current is drawn by a bulb that advertises itself as a 40W bulb in a house with a potential difference of 30V? How much voltage is required to pass a current of 2A into a 100W light bulb? How much energy is used by a house is 24 hours if it draws 3A of current every second with a voltage of 20V? How much energy is used by the same house in problem 4 over 24 years