Event: Battle of Gonzales Date: October 2, 1835 Important People: MX - Col Ugartechea & Gen Cos TX - Col John Moore & Col Wallace Information: Gonzales, TX 100 MX soldiers went to take back cannon (ammunition) Texans hung white flag w/ words “Come & Take It” to taunt the Mexicans 1st battle of TX Revolution Nicknamed “Lexington of TX” after the American Revolution’s 1st battle (Lexington & Concord) that was also fought over ammunition Lasted few minutes 1 MX fatality, 0 TX fatality Significance: 1st battle of TX Revolution ended in a TX Victory!!!! Battle of Gonzales
Event: Battle of Goliad (not Massacre) Date: October 9, 1835 (1 wk later) Important People: A garrison of MX soldiers vs. 120 Texans Information: Texans are outnumbered At a presidio (fort) in Goliad, TX 1st battle in Goliad MX troops surrendered after 30 minutes of fighting Texan’s rally cry was “On to San Antonio” Significance: Easy defeat gave Texans the false belief that Mexico could be defeated easily. Battle of Goliad
Siege of San Antonio Important People: Information: Significance: DECEMBER 5-9, 1835 Important People: SFA led Army of People from Gonzalez Ben Milam (empresario) led volunteers Gen Cos Information: TX built blockade around city Eventually drove Cos into the abandoned mission, Alamo Cos surrendered, had too few supplies & unprepared 2 TX fatalities/150 MX fatalities Significance: Largest City in TX taken, became overconfident and thought war was over Siege of San Antonio