Preparing Students for Modeling Competitions Dan Teague NCSSM TCM Conference 2014
Mathematical Modeling Forces for Change
HiMCM (High School Modeling Competition) Teams of Four students 36 Hour Competition November (two week window) Choose 1 of 2 Problems Unlimited Number of Teams $150/team
Moodys Math Challenge (High School Modeling Competition) Two Teams of Five Students No Cost Thirteen Hour Competition in March Top Six Finalists Make Oral Presentation in New York One Problem
Preparing Students For Modeling Contests Begin by Teaching Models Andrew Caglieris Example Move to Teaching Modeling Sample Problems
Selecting Teams Variety of mathematical knowledge and backgrounds (Calculus, Statistics, Programming, Physics) Group Dynamics are everything Ask who they would choose not to work with
Hands Off During the Contest If they work at one of the students homes, make sure the parents understand the rules Organize your paper before you begin. Have computers and software set up and ready to go. Have internet access and references (Basic Stat) available Dissuade students from all-nighters
Write as they go, dont wait until the last hours Summary is critical. Dont wait to do it last when you are most tired.
Most of all, have fun. Enjoy the challenge and create a paper that you are proud of. Share the paper at school.
Preparing Students for Modeling Competitions Questions?