Shapes Polygons and Quadrilaterals Interactive Booklet
Polygon One example Your Turn __________________________ What is a polygon? A polygon is a closed, plane figure made by line segments.
Quadrilateral One example My Turn ____________________________ A quadrilateral is a shape with four sides.
Hexagon Example Your Turn (draw the hexagon from the example) ____________________________ A hexagon is a shape with 6 sides and 6 angles.
Triangle Example Your Turn (draw the example) ____________________________ A triangle is a shape with 3 sides and 3 angles.
Pentagon Example Your Turn (draw the example) ____________________________ A pentagon is a shape with 5 sides and 5 angles.
Octagon Example Your Turn (draw the examples) ____________________________ An octagon is a shape with 8 sides and 8 angles.
Trapezoid Example My Turn (draw the example) ____________________________ A trapezoid is a quadrilateral with one set of parallel sides. It has 4 sides and 4 angles.
Square Example Your Turn (draw the example) ____________________________ A square is a four sided shape with 4 right angles. It’s opposite sides are parallel (2 sets) and all 4 sides are equal length.
Rectangle Example Your Turn (Draw the example) ____________________________ A rectangle is a four sided shape with 4 right angles. It has 2 sets of parallel lines and it’s opposite sides are equal in length.
Side Example Your Turn (draw any shape and label a side of the shape with an arrow) ____________________________ A side of a shape is any line segment that is used to form a polygon.
Vertex Example Your Turn (draw any vertex within a shape) ____________________________ A vertex is the point at which two line segments meet to form an angle.
Rhombus Example Your Turn (draw the example) ____________________________ A rhombus is a quadrilateral whose 4 sides all have the same length.
Parallelogram Example Your Turn (draw the example) ____________________________ A parallelogram is a 4 sided plane figure whose opposite sides are equal.
_________________________ and _______________________ are different _________________________ and _______________________ are different. I know this because ________________________________________________________ _________________________________________________________ _________________________________________________
_________________________ and _______________________ are different _________________________ and _______________________ are different. I know this because ____________________________________________________________ _______________________________________________________________________