Higher order questions Lesson Topic(s): Math 2nd Grade Week of: February 11-15, 2019 Objectives: Students will classify, sort, compose, decompose, and create two dimensional shapes. TEKS: 2.8C classify/sort polygons; 2.8D compose 2D and 3D shapes; 2.8A create 2D shapes; 2.8E decompose 2D shapes ELPS: 1.F/2.C.4 /3.F.2/1.A.1/2.D.1/3.G.1/4.C.3/4.E/4.G.4/2.D.2/2.1.3/3.D.2 Essential Question(s): How can I identify sides and vertices of a shape? How can I compose and decompose shapes? Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday Lesson Plan Lesson 14.2 Two dimensional shapes Lesson 14.3 Compose two dimensional shapes 14.4 Draw two dimensional shapes Lesson 14.5 Take apart two dimensional shapes Tier 1 lesson practice, small group activities and enrichment pages. Vocabulary/ELPS Side Vertex vertices Hexagon ELPS: describe; differences/similarities Quadrilateral Two dimensional Pentagon ELPS: describe; use pattern blocks; verbalize opinions Octagon Polygon Triangle rectangle ELPS: define; sentence frames/draw pictures ELPS:identify relationships; visual/spatial ELPS: manipulatives/peer interaction Higher order questions How can you identify the number of sides and number of vertices on a polygon? How can you put two dimensional shapes together to make new ones? How can you draw a two dimensional shape with a given number of sides and vertices? How can you take apart two dimensional shapes to make other shapes? Assessment Strategy Students will identify number of sides and vertices on shapes. Students will use manipulatives and pictures to form new shapes. Students will draw shapes with a given number of sides and vertices. Students will divide shapes to make new shapes. Students will do RTI as needed to reinforce skills.