Troika of Directors General – Meeting 24 March 2006 Activities of the Human Resources WG Karin Thienel
Decentralisation and Accountability Mid Term Programme: Public Administration Modernisation Study by Vienna University of Economics and Business Administration and EIPA Up to now 27 replies received (2 MS missing) Close cooperation with IPSG Workshops at 1st HRWG Meeting 2 Focuses: Accountability and Consequences for HRM Case Studies: EC, Spain; Finland, Austria
Preliminary Results of the Study I Public Administration Modernisation strongly driven by budgetary pressures, technological developments and national legislation e-Government, Accountability and Customer Orientation as most important Public Administration Modernisation topics (De)centralisation as fundamental and persistent question, but with relative low prominence in current modernisation discussions Strong interrelationship between Decentralisation, Accountability and Performance Management
Relevance of Modernisation Topics very high influence relatively low influence 1 2 3 4 new public management good governance use of market-type mechanisms austerity/saving programmes administrative decentralisation political decentralisation strengthening accountability Strengthening policy coherence quality management aligning public-private employm. HR decentralisation budget decentralisation performance management open government customer orientation ethics / codes of conduct e-government public-public partnerships private sector involvement
Preliminary Results of the Study II HRM structures and distribution of HRM competencies with strong national variations General trend of decentralising HRM responsibilities Degree of Decentralisation depending on specific HRM task HRM Decentralisation and HRM Centralisation often simultaneously observable Right balance dependent on national characteristics Most Countries experience a new strategic role of central HRM units
Degree of Centralisation of HR-Tasks Highly centralised Highly decentralised No clear tendency fixation of basic salaries performance related pay disciplinary matters codes of conduct and ethical norms performance management issues altering task responsi-bilities and areas of work head count reductions recruitment of new line manager teleworking arrangements dismissal of line/agency managers promotion of line manager basic working time flexible working time training strategies and programmes implementation of training and development relocation of staff
Preliminary Results of the Study III Quite different paths and reform initiatives to strengthen Accountability In most Member States Decentralisation does not lead to diminished Accountability but to changing forms of Accountability New Member States are more prone to experience a loss of control and diminished Accountability due to Decentralisation Most Member States express the opinion that risks of HRM Decentralisation can be managed that existing instruments (Legislation, Codes of Conduct, Disciplinary Regulations, Monitoring and Control Mechanisms, Training) work well enough to balance possible dangers of Decentralisation and guarantee central control and coordination
Cross-Border Mobility of Public Sector Workers Intensive Examination of Mobility by HRWG in close Cooperation with the European Commission Aim: update and complete Information on Mobility gathered during several Presidencies and finalized during Danish Presidency (2002) Areas of Interest: Nationality Condition Recognition of Diplomas Recognition of professional Experience and Seniority Other legal Specificities and Aspects of cross-border mobility Intended Result: Summarizing analysis of the information gathered Target group for this information: Mobility-experts and persons especially interested in the topic
Preliminary Results Nationality Condition: - 3 Member States explicitly decide based on a list - 4 Member States decide on case-by-case basis - Remaining Member States still to examine Recognition of Diplomas: - In almost every Member State institutions such as „NARIC“ exists - Advising function to personnel departments - Responsible to decide on recognition ? - Only in case of an official notice of competion possible/ or possible at any time Recognition Seniority/Professional Experience: - Separate recognition of seniority and prof. experience/ or together - Only relevant professional experience recognized - Merit points awarded in recruitment process/ or only relevant for grading only 8 Member States provided information on concrete applications in practise / mostly just on selected topics
National Contact Points Your Europe-Website: hosted by the EC DGs‘ Decision during Dutch and Luxembourg Presidencies to provide structured and standardised Information on Mobility for the EU Citizens Up until now Information on 16 Member States available Remaining 9 Member States invited to deliver missing Information (Deadline 14 April 2006)
Information on the Structure of the Civil and Public Services of the EU Member States Document elaborated during Irish Presidency, updated during Luxembourg Presidency Up to now 12 replies received (deadline for replies: 13 March 2006) Further intended Result: short Management Summary
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