In Ephesians, Paul informs his audience that it is only in Christ that spiritual blessings such as sonship, redemption and forgiveness can be found - Eph 1:1-7 This call to be in Christ requires one to join in with others and form a spiritual dwelling, a holy temple in the Lord having been reconciled to both God and our fellow man through the Gospel and the new way of thinking that it provides - Eph 2:13-22 This new life manifests itself as we take on responsibilities in a new community wherein we seek to edify the whole body and live in a pure manner that reflects the holiness of the Lord who saved us - Eph 4:11-13, 15-16 THE NEED FOR SPIRITUAL GROWTH Paul expresses the need for spiritual growth in chapter four by informing us of the negative consequences of failing to grow - vs. 14-15 Throughout chapter 4 and chapter 5 we see that the lack of spiritual growth can and will be manifest in sinful actions - “but you did not learn Christ in this way” - Eh 4:20 In chapter 6, Paul speaks to our responsibilities as those in Christ as demonstrated through our relationships, “children obey your parents in the Lord” is an example of one such responsibility
A “Helper Suitable” God made man in His image and commanded him to fill the earth with image bearers - Gen 1:28 Man was incapable of keeping this charge alone God’s response was to make a “helper suitable” - Gen 2:18
A “Helper Suitable” helper (ezer) - “help in the sense of aid and support and is used of the Lord’s aiding his people in the face of enemies (Ps 20:2-3; 121:1–2; 124:8)” (New American Commentary) The woman makes it possible for the man to do what he could not do alone
A “Helper Suitable” suitable - “corresponding to” (BDB) Someone standing beside, equal and adequate to the man, able to provide what he cannot This phrase embraces and explains the differences between men and women
A “Helper Suitable” Needed in the work of nourishing, training and instructing By aiding in teaching - 2 Tim 1:5; 3:14-15 By supporting the father in his efforts to train and instruct
The Reverent Teacher Demonstrating consistency between life and message - Titus 2:2-3 Teaching those over whom you have influence and authority Instructing in the practical aspects of demonstrating faith
The Worthy Woman Offering spiritual service in the home - Prov 31:10-31 As “a woman who fears the Lord, she shall be praised” By looking “well to the ways of her household”