Measurable Objectives: By the end of the lesson, all learners will be able to - Make suggestions - Send invitations - Accept or decline an invitation.


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Presentation transcript:

Measurable Objectives: By the end of the lesson, all learners will be able to - Make suggestions - Send invitations - Accept or decline an invitation By the end of the lesson, most learners will be able to - Initiate a conversation with a German speaker - Formulate their own questions and answers

mit dem größten Vergnügen

Die Feier wird ... stattfinden

Wie schade!

Wie schade!

Danke für die Einladung

Ich weiß nicht, ob ich kann

Hast du Lust, ... zu ... ?

Measurable Objectives: By the end of the lesson, all learners will be able to - Make suggestions - Send invitations - Accept or decline an invitation By the end of the lesson, most learners will be able to - Initiate a conversation with a German speaker - Formulate their own questions and answers