Winter Parent Meeting Class of 2021 10th Grade Year ___________________________________________ Ms. Donna Dallam (A – K) Mr. Michael Curtis (L – Z)
Tonight’s Topic’s Program Planning Graduation Requirements PSAT Results / College Exam Timeline Next Steps Tonight’s Topic’s
Scheduling Courses for 11th Grade What to expect during “Program Planning” for the 2019-20 School Year
Program Planning Timeline (1) January 11th Student Portal opens, and you may enter course requests. You can modify what you enter until the portal closes. January 14th – 18th School Counselors visit 1st Semester English classes. January 29th - February 1st School Counselors visit 2nd Semester English classes. February 3rd (Sunday Night) Final night to enter your course requests into the Portal. Yes, this is the same night as the Superbowl!
Program Planning Timeline (2) February 4th – March 14th Students will meet individually w/ School Counselor to review course requests/schedules for next year. During this meeting, Counselors can make any necessary changes to course requests. March 22nd Course Verification Sheets, confirming your course requests, are available through the Portal. March 26th Return your verification sheet to your counselor with any changes by today- no more changes to schedule requests will be taken after today!
The 2019-2020 Program of Studies is now available online at www. cbsd The 2019-2020 Program of Studies is now available online at (Under “Student”). The Program of Studies explains every course available to you, as well as any required courses/ grades. It is essential for planning your schedule each year! PROGRAM OF STUDIES
Go to District Website, Click on “Students” along the right side of the page. Find the link for the “2019-2020 Program of Studies 9-12”
Course Change Policy No changes to course requests for will be accepted after March 26th, 2019. Except when the student: Fails to meet a prerequisite course or grade. Requests to change levels (Honors Academic) These are the only reasons why course requests can be changed after the deadline! Take the time to choose core subjects, electives, and alt courses carefully… Next year you will be held to your decisions!
How to Choose Courses Speak with your current teachers about Academic, Honors, or AP level recommendations. Select courses that will offer you a challenge, but also consider outside activities and commitments. Choose course levels based on your abilities, interests, and willingness to do the required work, rather than “what colleges want.” Use this year’s schedule as a guide. Was it easy? Too difficult? Make adjustments accordingly.
STUDENT “To Do” List Speak with your current teachers about level recommendations for next year. Review the Program of Studies. Read descriptions, and notice course prerequisites. Sketch out a schedule on the pink worksheets to make sure everything fits. Enter your course requests into the Portal using the course numbers listed on the yellow sheets. Everyone will meet individually with your counselor to review your courses, and adjust as needed.
GRADUATION REQUIREMENTS Can be found on p.5 of the Program of Studies For the Class of 2021 (27.25 total credits): English – 4 credits Social Studies – 4 credits Math – 4 credits Science – 2 credits Biology- 1 credit PE – 1 credit Electives – 10.75 credits Performance Assessment (9th + Career Plan) – 0.5 credit Career Plan will be introduced to students during 2nd semester.
Scholar’s Diploma 1.0 additional Science credit 3 AP courses At least 2.0 credits of World Language 3.4 overall GPA 28.25 overall credits Scholar’s Diploma is an honor determined at the time of graduation, not in advance. You should not put “Scholar’s Diploma” on college applications.
Please check prerequisites of all courses English English 11 Academic / Honors 1 AP English Language 2 Please check prerequisites of all courses 3 You have three options with English, academic, honors, and AP. Just keep in mind that AP English Lit is a 27 week long course and so you will need to request a few 9 week courses to fit into your schedule.
Math Please see the sequence table on p.25 of the Program of Studies. Find the course you are taking now, and take the next course in the progression. You must meet the prerequisite grade for the course you wish to enter. If you do not, you may need to repeat your current course. Discuss what makes sense with your current math teacher! Geo/trig Alg 2/trig Algebra 3 OR Precalc/trig Algebra 1B Geometry Algebra 2 There is a suggested course progression found in your program of studies. In deciding which course you want to take next, identify where you are using the table and choose one of the next classes in the sequence. Be sure to pay attention to the prerequisite grades required for your chosen classes; you may need to take a different class or retake a course if you did not earn a high enough grade.
Science All students must take 2.0 credits of Science, and 1.0 additional credit in Biology Most colleges are looking for 4 years of science, and often at least 3 lab Sciences (Biology, Chemistry, Physics). Please check your prospective colleges for admission requirements! While planning, check Math and Science prerequisites for higher level Science courses. Is anyone planning on taking AP Chem? We will explain. While 3 credits in science are the minimum graduation requirements, you should plan on taking a 4th year if you are thinking about going to college. Most colleges are expecting you to have taken bio, chem, and physics, but check specific college requirements for your expected major. If you don’t meet the high school course requirements, most colleges will require you to pay for and take a class that will not give you any credits towards a degree. AP Bio and AP Chem are each 27 week long courses, so be sure to request a few 9 week classes that can fit in with your schedule.
Social Studies American Government and Economic Systems Academic and Honors AP United States History (3 MP) Courses available both 11th / 12th grades: AP Macro AP Micro AP Comparative Government AP Psychology (11th = Elective credit / 12th = S.S. credit) Regardless of how many credits you have already earned, you must take a social studies course during your senior year. Your different options are listed on the slide, and can also be found in the program of studies. You can take both AP Macroeconomics and AP Comparative government if you want to, and both are 18 week courses.
Health and PE All students must take PE/Health between 10th – 12th If you didn’t take PE/Health during 10th grade, you must sign up for PE/Health during 11th You must have 1.0 total PE credit in order to graduate. Each senior must take PE/Drug awareness 11/12 so be sure to request it. PE electives do not count towards your PE requirement, but you will receive elective credit if you want to take a class like Personal Fitness or Lifetime Sports.
Music Choir, Orchestra, and Band are scheduled for the entire year, every other day (A/B). You can sign up for the following courses that may be available on the opposite days (A/B): AP English Lang, AP Psychology (Elective credit), Psychology, Sociology, Marketing, Personal Finance, Musical Theater/Tech, Musical Creation, Production and Marketing, Music Theory, Music Technology. NOTE: These classes may not be open, or available, during the period you have an opening. If you are taking Choir, Orchestra, or Band, you may have to take a study hall opposite music each marking period.
World Language No Central Bucks language requirement… … BUT many colleges want to see AT LEAST two consecutive years of a language. Most colleges will only credit language courses taken from 9th grade on. If you want to switch to a different language, doubling up next year is a possibility, but not a guarantee. Even though you do not need to take a world language to graduate, most colleges want you to have at least 2 – 3 years of the same language. Something to think about when you are finished in your language sequence is taking the SAT subject test for your language. These tests are often used for placement in college, so it is better to take them as soon as you can after completing your courses. We also want to highlight German 1 and Chinese 1 as possible options for next year if you are looking to learn a new language.
Electives Each Department (English, Science, etc.) has electives. You need 10.75 total electives. Any “extra” credits you take in any required subject count as elective credit. For example, if you take 5 Math courses, your first 4 will count toward the required Math credit, and 1 will count towards your elective totals. Pick electives wisely – you cannot “drop” or “switch” them next year. Electives There are electives in each department, in addition to the several classes found in the electives section of the Program of Studies. Be sure to pick your electives carefully because you cannot drop them or switch them due to the existing Course Change Policy. This means that any course you request will be locked in, and you cannot change your mind this summer. Read each course description and choose your classes carefully. So again, you cannot drop or change any class you request! [ Mike Done ]
Program Planning / Credits Any general questions?
College prep is on the horizon Planning Ahead College prep is on the horizon
Planning Ahead We will cover the college search extensively during 11th grade. September & Spring presentations for Parents This year, the focus should be on: Learning how to study/adjust to HS courses. Career exploration, becoming aware of options. Getting involved & identifying interests.
PSAT Scores Students should have received an email from the CollegeBoard with instructions how to access scores in December. Paper Score Reports were also distributed to students in HR/Advisory. We can provide access codes to anyone who was not able to link scores.
Total Score & Sub Scores
National Merit Scholarship Only 11th grade students are eligible Don’t worry about this section for now.
College Related Exams PSAT PreACT (10th grade only) SAT vs. ACT Should plan to take again during 11th grade. PreACT (10th grade only) Will be offered at West on March 30th, 2019. Can compare scores/experience against PSAT, then plan to take either the SAT or ACT during 11th grade. SAT vs. ACT Both SAT and ACT are used as part of college admissions. Some schools are “test optional.” Results of SAT/ACT are also used by colleges when determining Merit Scholarships.
College Related Exams SAT Subject Tests AP Exams Over 300+ schools use these scores for admissions. Visit the CollegeBoard website for a list. Usually take 2-3 total, depending on program req’s. IE., Chemistry, Physics, Math 2 = Engineering AP Exams Taken in May each year, on set days. Many colleges will offer credit to incoming students who score a 4 or 5 (out of 5) on an AP exam. Usually taken by students after completing an AP Course that year. Students can register for any AP exam they want to (assuming they prepare on their own).
10th Grade Timeline September - January January - August Work hard, establish effective study habits. Consider joining sports/clubs/activities. Learn how to make decisions, and deal with things that come up. January - August Start to explore different career options. Consider visiting a local college over the summer Not a must, but can be helpful Summer experiences Jobs/volunteering
Next Steps Use Khan Academy to work on skills and prepare for the SAT during 11th grade. Plan to take the PreACT at West on March 30th, 2019. PSAT/SAT vs. PreACT/ACT Use Career Plan resources in Naviance to explore options after graduation.
College Related Questions What’s on your mind?
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