Battles, the Holocaust, and the War at Home WWII Battles, the Holocaust, and the War at Home
Major Military Events In Europe Battle of the Atlantic: Used new technology like radar, sonar and depth charges to hit German Submarines
Major Military Events in Europe – Battle of Stalingrad Germany v. Russia Battle lasts almost 2 years Russian winter helps lead to Germany defeat FIRST TIME Germany has retreated
Major Military Events in Europe – Battle of Normandy Soviet Union begged for Allies to open 2nd front in Western Europe to take the pressure off them for 2 years Help finally comes - D-Day June 6 1944 Allied invasion of the beaches of Normandy in France
Major Military Events in Europe – Battle of the Bulge Last German offensive Try to re-capture Belgium Germans begin massive retreat after VE Day – Victory in Europe Day
Major Military Events in Asia Island Hopping Primary U.S. strategy in the Pacific Leap frogging the way to Japan Battle of Midway Stops Japanese advance in Pacific Puts them on defensive Battle of Iwo Jima Provided air bases for bombing of Japan Battle of Okinawa Last battle before invasion of Japan
Major Military Events in Asia Manhattan Project – build atomic weapon to show U.S. strength Hiroshima August 6, 1945 1st atomic bomb Nagasaki August 9, 1945 Japan surrenders VJ Day – Victory in Japan Day!
The War at Home (in U.S.) Racism in America Race riots in Northern cities (Detroit) Not enough houses for Africans Americans who were moving north for jobs Japanese Internment Put into Internment camps even if they were citizens Lost all their personal property Faced THE MOST discrimination Were allowed to serve in Europe and were highly decorated Korematsu v. U.S. – Court ruled it constitutional because of military urgency
Holocaust Nuremberg Laws Used by Germans to discriminate against Jews Wannsee Conference Nazi’s develop “final solution” for Jews Kristallnacht Riots against Jews in Germany & Austria St. Louis Ship with Jewish refugees that was sent back to Europe Nuremberg trials Trial of German war criminals