Lesson 4 Main Reading A Fathers Prayer
Paragraph 1: Introduction of General MacArthur Paragraph 1: Introduction of General MacArthur Paragraph 2: Introduction of His Prayer for His Son Paragraph 2: Introduction of His Prayer for His Son Paragraph 3~8: Body of the Prayer Paragraph 3~8: Body of the Prayer
(Paragraph 1) General Douglas MacArthur is an American war hero. He was born in 1880 into a family with a long tradition of serving in the military. MacArthur went to the U.S. Military Academy at West Point, where he graduated with distinction. On his first assignment, he was sent to Asia to serve in the Philippines and Japan. Later he also served in Central America and Europe. In 1941, MacArthur was made a commander of the U.S. forces in the Far East. And that is where he performed his most remarkable feats. ! = from which = task = mission make + O. : (1)make+O.+ n./adj.(n./adj. O. )... … I will make you great doctors. I will make the floor clean. (2) make+O.+ V. (make ) ( ) … I make you do the assignment. The teacher made the students clean the floor. make + O. : (1)make+O.+ n./adj.(n./adj. O. )... … I will make you great doctors. I will make the floor clean. (2) make+O.+ V. (make ) ( ) … I make you do the assignment. The teacher made the students clean the floor. that is where = that is the place where = that is the Far East where
1.background: He was born in into a family. 1.education: He was graduated from. 2.career: He had served in many areas and became a of the U.S. forces in the Far East. Paragraph 1: Introduction of General MacArthur Paragraph 1: Introduction of General MacArthur 1880 West Point commander military
More details about General MacArthur… His father was so a famous general. At West Point, he graduated top of the class of After that, he was sent to do military services in Asia. WWI broke out, and he made many of his outstanding feats then. Thus, he rose to the rank of brigadier general.
More details about General MacArthur… After WWI, he retired and served as Superintendent of the U.S. Military Academy from 1919 to 1922 at West Point. After that, he was recalled to military missions again in the Far East. (Philippines) WWII broke out he was made the commander of the Far East. Being forced by Japan, the U.S. army escaped to Australia.
More details about General MacArthur… Korean War broke out in He led the army to win a honor victory there. Then, he had a disagreement on policies with President Truman. So the President called him back and dismissed him. He died in (aged 84)
More details about General MacArthur…
Paragraph 1: Introduction of General MacArthur Paragraph 1: Introduction of General MacArthur Paragraph 2: Introduction of His Prayer for His Son Paragraph 2: Introduction of His Prayer for His Son
(Paragraph 2) While battling in the Pacific, MacArthur wrote this prayer. It was for his only child, Arthur MacArthur IV, who had been named after Douglas MacArthurs grandfather, another outstanding general. Even though Arthur didnt follow in his fathers footsteps and studied art instead, this prayer remains as a significant piece of writing. It uses beautiful language and shows a great mans high expectations of his son. As a matter of fact, this prayer is not just a letter that is addressed to a family member but can be a message to all the youth. …this prayer is not just a letter that….but can be a message… = this prayer is not only a letter that … but also a message to … *not only A but also B A B !!!! …this prayer is not just a letter that….but can be a message… = this prayer is not only a letter that … but also a message to … *not only A but also B A B !!!! … a piece of N.( ) … = In fact = Actually (he was)
1.when to write: He wrote this prayer while. 2.for whom: He wrote this for. 3.importance: This prayer is not only a letter to a family member but also a message to all the. Paragraph 2: Introduction of His Prayer for His Son Paragraph 2: Introduction of His Prayer for His Son battling in the Pacific his only son youth
Paragraph 1: Introduction of General MacArthur Paragraph 1: Introduction of General MacArthur Paragraph 2: Introduction of His Prayer for His Son Paragraph 2: Introduction of His Prayer for His Son Paragraph 3~8: Body of the Prayer Paragraph 3~8: Body of the Prayer
(Paragraph 3) Build me a son, O Lord, who will be strong enough to know when he is weak, and brave enough to face himself when he is afraid; one who will be proud and unbending in honest defeat, and humble and gentle in victory. adj./adv. + enough + to V. adj./adv. … Jerry is tall enough to play in the school team. Andy sings well enough to enter the contest. adj./adv. + enough + to V. adj./adv. … Jerry is tall enough to play in the school team. Andy sings well enough to enter the contest. = Build a son for me. build ( )
1.In the 3 rd paragraph, he hopes his son to be strong,, proud, and. Paragraph 3~8: Body of the Prayer Paragraph 3~8: Body of the Prayer bravehumble
(Paragraph 4) Build me a son whose wishbone will not be where his backbone should be; a son who will know Thee and that to know himself is the foundation stone of knowledge.
1. In the 3 rd paragraph, he hopes his son to be strong,, proud, and. 2. In the 4 th paragraph, he hopes his son to develop a personality and know God. Paragraph 3~8: Body of the Prayer Paragraph 3~8: Body of the Prayer bravehumble tough
(Paragraph 5) Lead him, I pray, not in the path of ease and comfort, but under the stress and spur of difficulties and challenges. Here let him learn to stand up in the storm; here let him learn compassion for those who fail. in the path of… … not A but B B A not…but… I am not a student but a teacher. I did not give up but gave it another try.
1. In the 3 rd paragraph, he hopes his son to be strong,, proud, and. 2. In the 4 th paragraph, he hopes his son to develop a personality and know God. 3. In the 5 th paragraph, he hopes his son can face a challenging environment with. Paragraph 3~8: Body of the Prayer Paragraph 3~8: Body of the Prayer bravehumble tough courage
(Paragraph 6) Build me a son whose heart will be clear, whose goal will be high; a son who will master himself before he seeks to master other men; one who will learn to laugh, yet never forget how to weep; one who will reach into the future, yet never forget the past. = but seek-sought-sought seek to V. …
1. In the 3 rd paragraph, he hopes his son to be strong,, proud, and. 2. In the 4 th paragraph, he hopes his son to develop a personality and know God. 3. In the 5 th paragraph, he hopes his son can face a challenging environment with. 4. In the 6 th paragraph, he hopes his son to have and set. Paragraph 3~8: Body of the Prayer Paragraph 3~8: Body of the Prayer bravehumble tough courage a clear hearta high goal
(Paragraph 7) And after all these things are his, add, I pray, enough of a sense of humor, so that he may always be serious, yet never take himself too seriously. Give him humility, so that he may always remember the simplicity of true greatness, the open mind of true wisdom, the meekness of true strength. ( ) the simplicity of true greatness the open mind of true wisdom the meekness of true strength enough of … …
1. In the 3 rd paragraph, he hopes his son to be strong,, proud, and. 2. In the 4 th paragraph, he hopes his son to develop a personality and know God. 3. In the 5 th paragraph, he hopes his son can face a challenging environment with. 4. In the 6 th paragraph, he hopes his son to have and set. 5. In the 7 th paragraph, he hopes his son to be with and. Paragraph 3~8: Body of the Prayer Paragraph 3~8: Body of the Prayer bravehumble tough courage a clear hearta high goal humorhumility
(Paragraph 8) Then, I, his father, will dare to whisper, I have not lived in vain!
1. In the 3 rd paragraph, he hopes his son to be strong,, proud, and. 2. In the 4 th paragraph, he hopes his son to develop a a personality and know God. 3. In the 5 th paragraph, he hopes his son can face a challenging environment with. 4. In the 6 th paragraph, he hopes his son to have and set. 5. In the 7 th paragraph, he hopes his son to be with and. 6. In the 8 th paragraph, MacArthur says he would not live, if his son could grow into such a man. Paragraph 3~8: Body of the Prayer bravehumble tough courage a clear hearta high goal humorhumility in vain
___ 1. MacArthur was an outstanding student at West Point. ___ 2. MacArthur named his son after himself. ___ 3. MacArthur's prayer for his son can also be a good lesson to other young people as well. ___ 4. MacArthur wants his son to be proud in victory and humble in defeat. ___ 5. MacArthur thinks that the stress and spur of difficulties and challenges will benefit his son. ___ 6. MacArthur wants his son to set high goals and learn to be passionate towards those who fail. Comprehension Check: True or False T F T F T T
Now, lets talk about the son– Arthur MacArthur IV He was born in Manila on 21 February He was named after his famous great-grandfather. Since he was born, he had become the blue- eyed boy among the public. He received so much publicity in the 1940s, as the son and grandson of two famous generals. 3-rear-old Arthurlittle Arthur teenage Arthur
Now, lets talk about the son– Arthur MacArthur IV However, Arthur MacArthur did not attend West Point like his father but went to Columbia University instead. After his fathers death, he changed his name and moved to the other part of the city. It seems he has chosen to disappear from public gaze and till now, no one is sure where he is. teenage Arthur