Enhancement of study programs in Public Health Law, Health ERASMUS+ KA2 PROJECT: Enhancement of study programs in Public Health Law, Health Management, Health Economics and Health Informatics in Montenegro Consortium Meeting 18-19th January, Greece Project web site: www.ph-elim.net
PH-ELIM Activity 2.3: Strengthening cooperation with EU authorities in healthcare education WP2: Human Capacity Building in Public Health Education in Montenegro Max Seitz, University of Heidelberg, 18.01.2018 .
How do we strengthen the cooperation with EU authorities? Funding schemes for exchanging staff and students with EU HEIs Integration of ME institutions in associations, bodies and committees of public health Identification of international institutions and certificates useful for ME HEIs staff members Enrolment of ME HEIs staff members in scientific conferences, journals and committees Establishment of joined projects Project web site: www.ph-elim.net
Current level of indicators Project web site: www.ph-elim.net
Current level of indicators Funding schemes for exchanging staff and students with EU HEIs Current Trainings are financed by Travel Cost budget of PH-ELIM Alternatives: Erasmus+ International Credit Mobility (ICM) Baden-Württemberg scholarship (BWS) BWS for University Students -> Application via International Office in home university BWS for Vocationally Qualified People German Academic Exchange Service (DAAD) Supports: Student mobility Staff mobility Further suggestions from partners? Region Financial instrument Eligible partner countries Budget 2018 Germany Change compared to 2017 Regional Restrictions 1 Western Balkans (IPA) Albania, Bosnia-Herzegovina, Kosovo, Montenegro, Serbia 3.905.627 € +8 % - Project web site: www.ph-elim.net
Current level of indicators Integration of ME institutions in associations, bodies and committees of public health European Federation for Medical Informatics (EFMI) Scientific association (200€ fee) Institutional membership (200€/a) International Medical Informatics Association (IMIA) Similiar to EFMI, but probably more expensive despite flexible fee (adjustment by population and income) Project web site: www.ph-elim.net
Current level of indicators Enrolment of ME HEIs staff members in scientific conferences, journals and committees Medical Informatics, Biometry and Epidemiology (MIBE) Scientific papers about methods, concepts, tools and solutions in the fields of Medical Informatics, Biometry, Epidemiology, Medical Documentation and Life Science Informatics, and about their innovative application in medicine. Inclusion of further reviewers in journals. Further suggestions from partners? Journals Impact factor 5 year impact factor International Journal of Medical Informatics 3.210 3.287 The European Journal of Health Economics 2.500 2.373 European Journal of Public Health 2.431 2.664 Journal of Health Economics 3.313 International Journal for Quality in Health Care 2.342 2.549 International Journal of Public Health 2.327 2.486 BMC Public Health 2.265 2.814 Journal of Public Health 2.125 2.853 Health Education Research 1.816 2.183 Health Promotion International 1.722 2.223 Health Informatics Journal 1.578 Public Health 1.538 1.779 International Journal of Health Economics and Management 1.100 1.544 Project web site: www.ph-elim.net
Current level of indicators Establishment of joined projects Danube Medical Informatics Network (DMIN) Preparation of joint proposals for Horizon 2020. Partners: UMIT, Assist Software SRC in Suceava (Romania), IMTM and UHEI Research project in the field of the EU-Societal Challenge 1 “Health, demographic change and wellbeing” Funded by the German Ministry of Education and Research (BMBF, grant no. 01DS18002) Aims: Conduction of workshops to establish the network. Analyses of local regulations for data sharing. Development of recommendations for metadata structures in biomedical research projects. Project web site: www.ph-elim.net
Project web site: www.ph-elim.net Proposals for new projects: Erasmus+ International Credit Mobility (ICM) Project web site: www.ph-elim.net
Project web site: www.ph-elim.net Erasmus+ International Credit Mobility (ICM) Montenegro can receive EU funds via IPA (Instrument for Pre-accession Assistance II) as an Erasmus+ Partner Country IPA provides assistance to countries directly in line to become members of the European Union ICM supports the mobility of individuals enrolled or employed at a HEI, from a Programme Country to a Partner Country or vice versa. Project web site: www.ph-elim.net
Project web site: www.ph-elim.net Erasmus+ International Credit Mobility (ICM) Who can apply? Individual HEI (Awarded with an Erasmus Charter for Higher Education (ECHE)). National mobility consortium. Roles and responsibilities: Applicant organisation. Beneficiary organisation. Sending organisation. Receiving organisation. When to apply: 1 February at 12:00 (midday Brussels time) for projects starting on 1 June. Project web site: www.ph-elim.net
Project web site: www.ph-elim.net Actions and plans Project web site: www.ph-elim.net
Project web site: www.ph-elim.net Actions and plans Proposals for credit mobility of students and staff members within Erasmus+ Alternatively search and selection of other funding options Setup of step-by-step plan for application of ME HEI in public health associations/bodies/committees of their choice. Consideration of timeframes, financial issues, etc. Further identification of certificates useful for ME HEIs staff Further Integration of ME HEIs staff scientific conferences, journals committees Project web site: www.ph-elim.net
References https://ec.europa.eu/programmes/erasmus-plus/programme-guide/part-b/three-key-actions/key-action-1/mobility-education- training-youth_en https://ec.europa.eu/programmes/erasmus-plus/programme-guide/part-b/three-key-actions/key-action-1/mobility-higher- education-students-staff_en https://ec.europa.eu/neighbourhood-enlargement/instruments/funding-by- country/montenegro_en?width=700px&height=550px&inline=true#colorbox-inline-569331081 https://eu.daad.de/infos-fuer-hochschulen/programmlinien/foerderung-von-mobilitaet/de/45632-mobilitaet-mit-partnerlaendern- ka10/ https://www.bw-stipendium.de/en/workers/workers/general-conditions/ https://www.bw-stipendium.de/en/students/bws-for-university-students/general-conditions/ https://ec.europa.eu/programmes/erasmus-plus/sites/erasmusplus2/files/international-credit-mobility-handbook_en.pdf