That’s a Fact (Sports) 1.61 18 242 29,782 2,795 1860 27.4 6.0 A golf ball weighs ____ ounces. In his career, Michael Jordan scored ____ points. The sum of Wayne Gretzky’s goals and assists is ____. The speed of a Formula 1 racing car is _____ mph. The first British Open was played in ____. The diameter of a basketball rim is _____ inches. Usain Bolt’s top speed was clocked at ___ mph. ___ feet is the average height of a WNBA player. Golf ball = 1.61 Michael Jordan = 29,782 points Wayne Gretzky 2,795 points Formula 1 = 242 First British Open = 1860 Rim = 18 in Usain Bolt = 27.44 WNBA = 6 ft