English 4 UNIT 1 AGREEMENT, DISAGREEMENT, AND PERSONAL FEELINGS Adjectives E.T.E. Karim Juárez Cortés. Idea Original y Diseño
What is an adjective? An Adjective is a word that describe or modify another person or thing in the sentence, ( nouns). Moreover, Adjectives are words used to describe nouns, Adjectives give more information about a noun. Use of the adjectives a) Adjectives in English usually come before nouns. EXAMPLE: A good book A modern café A lovely dress It's an expensive bicycle.
Good night!!! We are watching a romantic movie. But it isnt very interesting! We think that we are going to go out to the park!
Adjectives with -ING Present participles are used as adjectives refer to actions being performed by the things being described. In the following examples the present participles used as adjectives are underlined. Examples: the falling star the barking dog The first example indicates that the star is performing the action of falling. The second example indicates that the dog is performing the action of barking.
Moreover we use the adjective in ING form when we refer to the thing that we are describing. And the quality of the thing. Examples: Finding Nemo was a fascinating movie produced by Pixar Animation. I read an interesting book about Juarez The movie Star Wars was boring NOTE: Los adjetivos los utilizamos para describir cualidades de cosas o personas. En este caso utilizamos los participios como adjetivo en presente el adjetivo termina en ING y describe las cualidades de las cosas de cómo fueron. Ejemplo: This horror movie was amazing. ( La película de horror fue asombrosa)
Adjectives with -ED Past participles are used as adjectives refer to actions which have been performed on the things being described. In the following examples, the past participles used as adjectives are underlined. Examples: the scattered leaves the broken drum The first example indicates that something has scattered the leaves. The second example indicates that something has broken the drum.
When we use the adjectives ending in ED we are describing peoples feelings and states. Examples: I am interested in the New book Juarez el Republicano You are bored when you watch TV. I was fascinated by the pop music. Im bored because this movie is boring I was confused because the story was confusing. NOTE: Utilizamos los adjetivos terminados en ED cuando nos referimos a los sentimientos o estados de las personas. Ejemplo: I was amazed by the new horror movie. ( Fui asombrada por la nueva película de horror)
REFERENCES C. RICHARDS Jack, ( 1997), New Interchange 2 Cambridge University Press, p EVANS Virginia and DOOLEY Jenny, ( 2000), Enterprise 2, Express Publishing. USA Evans Virginia, y Dooley Jenny (2000): Enterprise 1 Grammar Book. USA, Express Publishing Evans Virginia, y Dooley Jenny (1999): Enterprise 3 Grammar Book. USA, Express Publishing Evans Virginia y Dooley Jenny ( 2005): Upstream Beginner A1+. USA, Express Publishing. STEMPLESKI Susan, DOUGLAS Nancy and R. MORGAN James, (2005) World Link 1 Developing English Fluency, USA: Thomson Learning.