Atoms, Molecules and Compounds Atom – An individual building block of matter. (Example: Au, C) Molecule – More than one atom stuck (bonded) together. (Example: H2O, O2) Compound – More than one TYPE OF ATOM stuck (bonded) together. (Example: CO2, H2O2)
Color Element representation Symbol Black Carbon C Blue Nitrogen N Yellow Hydrogen H Red Oxygen O Green Chlorine Cl Orange Bromine B Purple Iodine I
What do the numbers mean? 2H2O2 Big Number: The number of molecules Small Numbers: The number of atoms
Challenge Questions Why do the carbon atoms have 4 holes and the hydrogen atoms have 1 hole? Why are there springs in the kits? Try to draw an oxygen atom in box #2 on your lab that shows how the electrons would be arranged.
6 Red 2 Orange 2 Purple 4 Green 28 Yellow 2 Blue 10 Black
Propane Molecule
Molecules Break Up and Recombine Burning Propane Molecules Break Up and Recombine C3H8 + 5 O2 → 3 CO2 + 4 H2O The Law of Conservation of Matter (Atoms are neither created nor destroyed, just rearranged.)
Glucose Molecules In this picture gray = hydrogen. In our kits yellow = hydrogen
Caffeine Molecule (C8H10N4O2) Grey = Yellow
“Picture of Atoms”
A bit of middle school humor: The propane “puppy” finds an oxygen “hydrant”.