Mission SoWe plans to chart a course of actions that will enable Southwest Lancaster – its residents and partners – to stem the tide of disinvestment and create a neighborhood that is safe, clean, attractive to economic investment, and welcoming to residents and visitors.
Southwest Neighborhood Revitalization Strategy LHOP, in partnership with several community organizations and the City of Lancaster, funded by a grant from the Wells Fargo Regional Foundation (WFRF), coordinated a planning process from July 2015 to September 2016 with over 200 residents and stakeholders from the Southwest neighborhood of Lancaster City. The result of the 14-month planning process is the Southwest Lancaster Neighborhood Revitalization Strategy, adopted by LHOP and the City in October 2016. The Strategy identifies and prioritizes various neighborhood revitalization actions and provides cost estimates totaling $8 million and a timetable over 5 years for implementation.
SouthWest Lancaster Neighborhood Revitalization Strategy The planning process was guided by a consulting group led by Urban Partners and was premised on being “resident- driven”. To that end, the following activities were undertaken to assure its resident focus: Steering Committee of 25 residents and stakeholders 7 Meetings of the Steering Committee occurred over 14 months 6 Task Forces formed to provide guidance on major themes 291 Southwest neighborhood households were surveyed Inventory of the exteriors of all properties Over 50 stakeholders were interviewed 2 Public Meetings involving 100+ people 2 Parties/Fiestas attended by over 150 people Meetings were held with Latino congregations SouthWest Lancaster Neighborhood Revitalization Strategy
Funding Due to SoWe’s commitment to a resident driven revitalization approach, we were successful in receiving the following implementation funding: $1.15 million Wells Fargo Regional Foundation $400,000 Dale High Family Foundation $250,000 Anonymous Family Investment $250,000 Steinman Foundation $200,00 Anonymous Family Donation $150,000 Lancaster Community Foundation
Southwest Neighborhood Collaborative The Southwest Neighborhood Collaborative is made up of LHOP as the lead agency and partner organizations that are furthering the implementation of the Southwest Neighborhood Revitalization plan and the development of the SoWe Neighborhood Collaborative is formalized by a MOU agreement
SoWe Lead SoWe Lead is a 25 person advisory board of directors made up of residents of the Southwest and stakeholders from various non-profits that serve the neighborhood. SoWe Lead guides the implementation of the Southwest Neighborhood Revitalization Plan and SoWe’s seven committees. This structure allows for grassroots resident driven neighborhood revitalization.
SoWe Committees Six major themes were identified from the Southwest Neighborhood Revitalization Plan which have since been developed into task forces or committees Each committee meets once a month to propel objectives of the SoWe plan: Neighborhood Connections Housing Parks/ Public Realm Community Safety Education (Children’s Ed and Adult Ed) Economic Opportunity Communications
SoWe Connect – Neighborhood Connections Vision Statement: The residents of Southwest Lancaster are closely connected to each other, celebrating the diversity of racial/ethnic backgrounds and sharing a sense of joint responsibility to care for one another. Goals: Develop a plan to market the neighborhood Develop a Series of Events to Connect Neighbors Improve Residents’ Access to Jobs Improve Access to Services for Neighborhood Residents Current Projects: Community Bulletin Boards, Block Parties, Connector position with Boys and Girls Club, Development of SoWe office/hub
SoWe Live – Housing Vision Statement: Southwest Lancaster is a residential community of choice that offers housing options, including high-quality, well- managed rental homes and home ownership opportunities for a full spectrum of household income levels. Goals: Establish Relationships with Quality Landlords and Developers in the Neighborhood Systematically Intervene on Problem Rental Properties Increase Homeownership Opportunities Educate/Support Prospective and Current Homeowners Current Programs/projects: LHOP’s First-Time Home Buyer Course LHOP’s Closing Cost Assistance Program LHOP’s House to Home Program Habitat for Humanity’s Affordable Home Repair Program Habitat for Humanity’s Home Repair Program Lancaster Equity CDC’s Scattered Site Affordable Housing Purchase and Renovation of Single-Family homes SoWe Façade Improvement Program
SoWe Play - Parks and Public Realm Vision Statement: The Streets, open spaces, parks and other public areas in Southwest Lancaster are clean, sage and inviting Goals: Revitalize Farnum Park Create Sustainable Trash Management Approach Create Additional Open Space Amenities in the Neighborhood Accomplishments and Programs/projects: Secured large private donation to revitalize Farnum Park – now called Culliton Park SoWe Clean Crew - two residents hired to complete litter pick up 16 hours a week
SoWe Protect – Community Safety Vision Statement: Southwest Lancaster is a safe and peaceful neighborhood through the on-going collaboration of residents, community organizations, and public safety agencies Goals: Offer Positive Community Engagement for At- Risk Populations Improve Police/Community Relations Create Safer Environment that Deters Crime Accomplishments and Programs/projects: Coverage of Lancaster City Alliance’s Bike Ambassadors in SoWe Front Porch Light Program Police Community Meetings
SoWe Teach – Education Vision Statement: Southwest Lancaster schools offer high-quality learning environments and supportive services so that every student can attain success. Adults in the Southwest find opportunities for continuing education and technical training. Goals: Increase Parent & Community Involvement at Local Schools Expand Affordable After-School Programming Improve Residents’ Access to Available Educational and Job Training Resources Accomplishments and Programs/projects: Working with Boys and Girls Club of Lancaster to make Price Elementary School a Community School
SoWe Work – Economic Opportunity Vision Statement: Southwest Lancaster has economic viability as evidenced by a revitalized Manor Street commercial corridor and ample supportive programs for entrepreneurs and small businesses. Goals: Make Concentrated Improvements to Manor Street Between King & New Dorwart Reinvigorate Vacant or Underutilized Properties in the Study area Support SW Lancaster Entrepreneurs Accomplishments and Programs/projects: Façade Improvement program focused on Manor St Working with the city of Lancaster to improve street scape on Manor St. including street trees, pedestrian lighting, and repaving of the streets