4.08 Partnerships and Process: Serving Medically Frail Patients Who Experience Homelessness
Brilliant Corners Nonprofit supportive housing provider in California Housing services, housing development, property management Serving individuals with intellectual and developmental disabilities, and those transitioning from institutions or homelessness http://brilliantcorners.org/
Homelessness in Los Angeles 53,195 people experiencing homelessness in Los Angeles County 3% decrease from last year First time in 4 years that the number did not rise https://www.lahsa.org/homeless-count/
Coordinated Entry System Serving more vulnerable people in PSH than before Developing a range of strategies to address more intense needs To learn more about the CES: https://www.lahsa.org/ces/
Flexible Housing Subsidy Pool 2014 partnership with LA County Department of Health Services (DHS) Provide rental subsidies and housing services Housing location, move-in assistance, and housing retention services Housed 3,500+ people in 4 years
Enriched Residential Care Referrals from DHS hospitals by hospital social workers to board & care facilities Referrals can also be submitted by ICMS agencies Case manager + housing coordinator
Office of Diversion and Reentry Created in 2015, housed within DHS $100,000 per 100 participants (on top of regular ICMS per person rate) Caseload ratios down to 1:15 Increased support for interim housing http://dhs.lacounty.gov/wps/portal/dhs/diversionandreentry
Real Estate Development Serving medically fragile individuals with I/DD Closure of state developmental centers Parent advisory councils SB 962 (2005) ARFPSHN: Adult Residential Facility for Persons with Special Health Care Needs https://www.dds.ca.gov/LivingArrang/962Homes.cfm
ARFPSHNs Specialized care homes in statute Physical plant modifications + services Enhanced behavioral support homes
Sophia Rice FHSP Associate Director Sophia@brilliantcorners.org