Philippe QUEVAUVILLER Community of Users on Secure, Safe and Resilient Societies – Thematic Groups Philippe QUEVAUVILLER Innovation and Industry for Security DG HOME
EU Bodies Security & Crisis Management A complex policy landscape (not exhaustive) EU Bodies Member States (Committees) EDA Defence DG TAXUD Customs DG SANTE Health DG HOME Home Affairs EEAS Ext. security DG TRADE Trade DG ENV Environment DG ECHO Civil protection DG CLIMA Climate Action Europol Law Enforc. DG MOVE Transport DG DEVCO Int. cooperation DG ENER Energy DG MARE Marine Frontex Border Control DG EAC Educ. Cult. DG REGIO Regional Pol. Intergovernmental & EU Agencies DG GROW Industry EU Policies + INTERPOL, NATO, UN Bodies Industry, Stakeholders, NGO’s, Researchers, Experts, etc.
EU Bodies Security & Crisis Management Identifed EU-Funded Actions with potential to be bridged EU Bodies Member States (Committees) DG RTD Horizon 2020 Sectoral Research DG ENV LIFE+ JOINT RESEARCH CENTRE DG ECHO Civil protection DG CNECT ICT EDA Joint Invest. Programme DG HOME Secure Societies DG HOME ISF, AMIF DG REGIO INTERREG DG DEVCO Int. cooperation Executive Agencies REA, EASME DG EAC Cultural Heritage Intergov. Research EU Research Capacity-Building / Education + International / National Projects Industry, Stakeholders, NGO’s, Researchers, Experts, etc.
COMMUNITY BUILING Relevance and challenges Community of Users Gathering Actors: from upstream (research) to downstream (industry/SMEs) as well as key users (policy, practitioners) RESEARCH & INNOVATION INTERFACE POLICY NETWORKS Information, mediation Practitioners, policy-makers LEADING PROJECTS Joint communication, critical mass / synergies FP7/H2020 projects Capacity-Building projects POLICY Key Actors: UN bodies EU Policy DGs EU Member States Subtheme Subtheme Subtheme Subtheme Subtheme Subtheme Civil Protection Security (CBRN) UN-ISDR ECHO Subtheme UNICRI HOME DEVCO Subtheme Subtheme Intern. Cooperation Environment (Nat. Disasters) Subtheme UNECE ENV Environment (Seveso) MARKET DIMENSION Industry / SMEs USERS: Critical Infrastructures Operators, First Responders, Regional Authorities, Research, Civil Society etc.
CoU in 2019 – Thematic Events CBRN-E Tuesday 26 March 2019 Tuesday 26 March 2019 Wednesday 27 March 2019 ThG3.1 ThG3.2 Common Conclusions Poster Session Common Introduction ThG1.1 ThG1.2 ThG2.1 ThG2.2 Social Networking 1.1 New actions in CBRN research 3.1 Civil-Military and International Cooperation 1.2 Chemical accidents (Seveso) 3.2 Water Security 2.1 CBRN Forensics 2.2 RN Emergencies
Next steps: Governance Consultation with Policy DGs, Agencies, Member States, Networks, Projects: Chair / Involvement in Thematic Groups Meetings to discuss governance (for implementation in 2020): brainstorming on 28 February 2019 (Brussels), bilateral meetings foreseen between April and September, consolidation of governance structure on 17 October 2019 (Brussels), implementation to be tested in 2020 Developing synergies among (research and capacity-building) projects to deliver “Annual Updates” at SRE at the end of each year