Engagement event about tackling health inequalities.
Agenda 14.00 Welcome – Sheila Salmon, Chair Mid-Essex Hospital Services NHS Trust. 14.10 Outline of the day. 14.20 Health inequalities – what it means for us. Jane Richards, Assistant Director of Public Health, NHS Mid-Essex. 14.40 Human rights and healthcare. Harjinder Bahra, Human rights lawyer 15.00 A new approach to communities and NHS working together. John McLellan, Equality and Diversity Adviser. 15.10 Questions and clarifications. 15.20 GROUP WORK 16.00 Feedback from the group work. 16.20 Survey and evaluations. 16.30 Close.
A new approach to working together Equality Delivery System (EDS) Introduced by Department of Health. Developed with NHS trusts across England. Developed over 12 months. Now being ‘embedded’.
What EDS does. Provides framework for identifying gaps and determining actions. Asks all NHS bodies to examine way they impact on ‘protected characteristics’ – as defined by Equality Act 2010. Gender, Ethnicity and nationality, disability, sexual orientation, age, faith, transexualism, marital or civil partnership status, maternity and pregnancy.
What EDS does. Requires data and evidence. Requires identification of gaps in delivery – or gaps in knowledge. Requires planning and actions to address gaps. Requires sharing and involving communities, patients, and staff.
What EDS does. Requires evaluation and grading. Red, amber, green and purple! The evaluation and grading is to be done with communities, patients and public. Starts now – and will run fully from April 2012 onwards. Is about improvement! Can only be successful with the authentic voice of different people.