Chapter 2: Rhythm and Pitch


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Presentation transcript:

Chapter 2: Rhythm and Pitch

Key Terms Pitch Scale Interval Octave Major scale (Ionioan) Chromatic scale Flat Sharp Half step Whole step Playing in tune

Pitch Aspects of pitch Definite or indefinite High or low Most music draws from a pool of definite pitches, or a scale The distance between any two notes is called an interval

Intervals Octave Special interval relationship Upper note duplicates lower note, though its pitch is higher Very smooth blend derives from overtone series; octave is the first overtone Men and women singing a tune together normally sing in octaves

Intervals Step Step is a small interval Usually the distance between adjacent notes of a scale Two sizes: half step and whole step Scale steps are specific notes of a scale e.g., scale step 1 (do) or scale step 5 (sol)

Intervals Half step The smallest interval in most Western music The interval between any two consecutive notes of the chromatic scale On a keyboard, the distance between any note and the note nearest to it, black or white

Intervals Whole step The most common interval found in diatonic scales Same distance as two consecutive half steps

Scales Collections of pitches used to construct melodies or entire pieces Major (Ionian) scales typical of Western music Contain seven notes in each octave Chromatic scale uses all notes on the piano keyboard Contains twelve notes in each octave Modern music and world music use many other scales

Major Scales Contain seven different pitches Seven letter names (ABCDEFG) Octave (eighth note of scale) repeats the starting letter name Contains both whole steps (5) and half steps (2); asymmetrical Good examples include major scales (do re mi fa sol la ti do), minor scales, and church modes

Major Scales

Chromatic Scale Contains twelve different pitches; uses all black and white keys in each octave Consists entirely of half steps; symmetrical Requires sharps or flats to notate black keys Developed later than Major scales, filling in whole steps with half steps

Chromatic Scale

Sharps and Flats The flat lowers a note by a half step The sharp raises a note by a half step

Major vs. Chromatic

Scales and Instruments Western instruments are designed to play major and chromatic scales Musicians learn to play in tune Many instrument can bend pitches A little: flute, clarinet, saxophone, guitar A lot: voice, trombone, violin, cello, timpani Some cannot bend pitches Piano, harpsichord, xylophone