Gene Modified Organism Understanding the argumentation in essays
Lead-in questions Do you think GM food is safe or not? How do you know?
Text analysis of article one What is golden rice and what is good of it? ‘Normal rice that has been genetically modified to provide vitamin A to counter blindness and other diseases in children in the developing world’ (Mckie, 2013). Why vitamin A is important in the third world? Affecting Immune system, causing blindness, killing 2 million children every year. (Adrian Dubock, a member of the Golden Rice Project) In what way can golden rice help the health problems mentioned above? 60g contains substantial amount of Vitamin A.
If golden rice is so good, why does it develop so slowly? The approval of genetically modified (GM) crops takes an extraordinary long time. Why does it take such a long time for GM crops to be approved? Why do the campaigners fight against it? A. do not accept the fact that it contains substantial amount of vitamin A. B. making farmers in developing world rely more on western industry. A tool of global capitalism.
How did the scientists involved in this project respond to the view of rejecting golden rice? A. the project is a cooperation of scientists and organisations such as the Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation (Charity). (Dubock) Not for the purpose of making money B. Shared by Mark Lynas, an environmental campaigner and one of the founders of the anti-GM crop movement. Apologized for rejecting GM crops. First generation is suspectable, but new generations are safe and crucial for starving people.
Two studies published in the American Journal of Clinical Nutrition. A. 2009, beta-carotene in golden rice was easily taken up B. 2012, a bowl of cooked golden rice between 100 g and 150g provides 60% vitamin A that is recommended amount for young people. The research was conducted by American and Chinese scientists and the subjects are Chinese children aged between 6 to 8 years old.
What is used by the Green Peace as reason to attack the second study of golden rice? Chinese children’s parents were not told that their children were given GM food. They were used as guinea pigs. Result: Three Chinese scientists named by Green Peace were sacked by the Chinese government for the reason of ‘hustling in on one of the world’s most sacred thing: our food supply’. What is another reason for the slow development of golden rice? Bureaucracy: Hard to believe, endless trials and tests. (Beyer) People’s concern: whether it is safe.
Scientists’ view: Professor Jonathan Jones, the John Innes Centre : 30 years ago, there might be unknown unknowns. Now, it is clear that GM foods are safe. Is there any other project similar to the golden rice? In what way, the crop is different? Why does the author mention the case of carrot at the end of the article?
What is the argumentation structure of this article? Why golden rice is important especially to the third world? Controversial issue: opposition with reasons ( campaigners) support ( scientists) with evidence two studies the second study is opposed by Green Peace Mark Lynas’ view of the opposition Professor Jonathan Jones It is clear … Conclusion
Article 2 Read article 2 and answer the following questions: What makes the GMO issue complicated? Are GMOs safe to eat? Do GMOs pose an ecological risk? What is the latest research published in Nature? What do George Church, Denise Caruso and Steven Benner think about this new research? What is the author’s view about GMO?
Seminar discussion What is your opinion of GMO after reading the two articles? What questions do you have and you want to do further research? Watch Cui Yongyuan’s documentary about GMO, and give your comments on it. Write an outline of an essay with the title: Should we be worried about GMOs?