Regional WIGOS Center in RA-VI – EUMETNET Proposal and capabilities Stefan Klink (DWD) With contributions from: Tanja Kleinert (EUMETNET, DWD), Lars Peter Riishojgaard (WMO WIGOS PO), Ivan Cacic (former RA VI President) and others RA II WIGOS Workshop 6-8 November 2018, Beijing, China
Outline EUMETNET Introduction Obs Programme Management Example of joint activity in the Obs Programme Motivation for Regional WIGOS Center on Observation Quality Monitoring Regional WIGOS Centers – in general Example of RWC on Observation Quality Monitoring in RA VI / EUMETNET
EUMETNET 31 Members: National Met. & Hydro. Services (NMHS) 3 Programmes Observations Forecasting Climate Obs Programme E-AMDAR (aircraft) E-ASAP (ship radiosondes) E-GVAP (GNSS humidity) E-PROFILE ( wind profilers + lidar) E-SURFMAR (ship, buoy obs) OPERA (radar) Economic Interest Grouping, EIG EUMETNET: provides a framework to organise co-operative programmes between its Members in the various fields of basic meteorological activities.
EUMETNET Observations Programme Management Tasks: Coordinating the evolution of the ground based EUMETNET Composite Observing System (EUCOS), Monitoring the EUCOS performance, Supporting Members’ observation activities where possible and Organising a studies programme. Observations PROGRAMME E-AMDAR E-ASAP E-GVAP E-PROFILE Territorial Segment (upper air and SYNOP stations) Quality Monitoring Studies Programme Possible future activities e.g. observation targeting Programme Components Fully integrated programmes Collaborative components Managed by Obs PMT Evolving needs E-SURFMAR OPERA
OPERA Coordinating Member: FMI
OPERA: main central tasks The main central tasks of OPERA are: To work to increase the exchange and harmonization of weather radar data and products throughout Europe. To carry out studies to collect best experiences of the members on weather radars. To work on understanding and describing radar data quality, in support of the increased quantitative use of data. To support European applications of weather radar data through the establishment of a Data Hub function where harmonized products from the European Weather Radar Network are generated and managed. To develop the OPERA data information model (ODIM), and the software to encode and decode radar data in BUFR and HDF5 formats.
Motivation: What do we need in order to manage WIGOS? Regulatory and Guidance Material Standards, best practices, … Regional WIGOS Implementation Plans; other planning and vision documents, … A complete system description OSCAR/Space; metadata inventory of everything flying in space OSCAR/Surface; metadata inventory of everything else Tools to measure system performance WIGOS Data Quality Monitoring System (WDQMS) Organizational structures facilitating support E.g. Regional WIGOS Centres
Motivation: WIGOS Data Quality Monitoring System (“How well is WIGOS working?”) Real-time monitoring of performance (data availability and data quality) of all WIGOS components, searchable by region, country, station type, period, etc. Monitor regional and national performance of all WIGOS components Pilot projects involving ECMWF, NCEP, JMA, DWD and others underway Delayed mode monitoring of data quality as measured against reference sources of information. Incident management system for tracking and mitigation of performance issues. Demonstration project conducted in Africa
Regional WIGOS Centers (RWC) Why? Many WMO Members requesting support from Secretariat for national implementation efforts This can be addressed more efficiently and effectively at regional level What? Initial role of RWC will be to support national WIGOS Implementation efforts, in particular as concerns OSCAR/Surface; ensuring metadata input and QC WDQMS; especially fault management component How will this be implemented? To be decided by individual WMO Regions Initial prototype implementation in RA-VI based on EUMETNET activities currently hosted at DWD
Proposed functionalities of RWC From RA-VI Workshop (Belgrade), shown by Ivan Cacic, RA-VI President, at ICG-WIGOS-5 WMO The main tasks for RWCs identified by the group include Coordination between Members and WMO bodies Improved communication through provision of contact points Education and training concerning WIGOS implementation Technical support Network design / management Data quality monitoring Meta data management Providing links to external entities and establishing of partnerships with different regional groupings (oceanography, climate, hydrology, instrument calibration) Individual tasks or functionalities could be given to separate RWCs
Regional WIGOS Centers within RA VI Unique characteristic of Region VI: EUMETNET, including more than half the WMO RA-VI Members, is already actively pursuing several elements of WIGOS implementation E.g. on Observation Quality Monitoring EUMETNET – Observations Programme Management conducting the EUCOS Quality Monitoring thereby serves as a RWC (restricted to EUMETNET Members until early 2018) Since RA VI Seventeenth Session (February 2018) EUMETNET – Obs Prog. Management serves as RWC on Obs. data quality monitoring for whole RA VI, however, limited to providing the monitoring statistics, not pursuing quality evaluation and incident management for whole RA VI
EUCOS Quality Monitoring One of the major tasks of the EUMETNET Observations Programme Management Team is to monitor the performance of all EUCOS networks against agreed EUCOS Performance Standards; EUCOS has set up a web-based EUCOS Quality Monitoring Portal (QMP) for all EUCOS networks as well as a WMO QMP for RBSN surface land stations and radiosonde stations of RA VI and GCOS stations globally;
EUMETNET´s Quality Monitoring Process Monitoring Function: operating the EUCOS and WMO QMP displaying monitoring statistics collected from DWD/ECMWF Evaluation Function: the network performance and data quality is evaluated on a regular basis by checking the results of the EUCOS QMP Incident Management Function: EUMETNET Members are contacted in case of incidents e.g. missing or erroneous data identified in the QMP Raised incident tickets, status updates, closure of tickets are well documented Feedback to Members and data users: Quarterly EUMETNET Quality Monitoring Reports provide performance summaries per network and per Member
RA VI - RWC nutshell experiment on WDQMS Background: Proposal to run an experimental RWC ‘in a nutshell’ on QM in order to test and demonstrate the practical implementation of the RWC concept Experiment: the EUCOS QMP, displaying information on RA-VI RBSN SYNOP and radiosonde data, was used for the evaluation; EUMETNET Obs Programme Management Team provided training to staff member of FHI BH (Federal Hydro-meteorological Institute of Bosnia and Herzegovina) in Dec’16 Monitoring Task: FHI BH staff member carried out the monitoring tasks for: Bulgaria, Bosnia and Herzegovina, Serbia, Turkey with focus on availability (‘silent stations’), timeliness and SYNOP stations with permanently high sea level pressure RMS errors
Tasks of RA-VI Regional WIGOS Centres Monitoring Function: EUMETNET will operate and maintain the WMO QMP displaying monitoring statistics collected from DWD and ECMWF Evaluation and Incident Management Function: EUMETNET will continue to evaluate the network performance and data quality for EUMETNET Members and will initiate the incident management procedure in case of ongoing issues including reporting about network performances on quarterly and annual basis The task to evaluate data being provided by non-EUMETNET Members as well as initiating the incident management procedure has to be taken over by other RA-VI Member(s)
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