T. Markiewicz / SLAC MAP at SLAC Working Meeting 2 July 2014


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Presentation transcript:

T. Markiewicz / SLAC MAP at SLAC Working Meeting 2 July 2014 Comparison of Photon from v2 versus v7 masks in innermost VXD Layer at a Muon Higgs Factory T. Markiewicz / SLAC MAP at SLAC Working Meeting 2 July 2014

Masks v2 versus v7 2 July 2014 - MAP at SLAC T. Markiewicz

320um Silicon Conversion/Scoring Planes Barrel Detector Radius (cm) Half Length (cm) VXD 5.5 20.5 Tracker 50.0 91.0 ECAL 131.0 200 Barrel Detector Radius (cm) Half Length (cm) VXD 7.7 28.7 Tracker 50.0 91.0 ECAL 131.0 200 Endcap Z (cm) Rin (cm) Rout (cm) VXD 24.8 6.7 18.4 Tracker 92.0 25.2 53.3 ECAL 200.1 38.0 130.9 Endcap Z (cm) Rin (cm) Rout (cm) VXD 30.0 6.7 18.4 Tracker 92.0 25.2 53.3 ECAL 200.1 38.0 130.9 2 July 2014 - MAP at SLAC T. Markiewicz

FLUKA Photons v2 mask versus GEANT converted photons v7 mask Time when photon produced by showering decay electron (all 9 Silicon layers in this plot) V7 converted photon backgrounds = 12% v2 backgrounds 5100 x 2% = 102 to get background associated with one bunch X100 to get background associated with one bunch 2 July 2014 - MAP at SLAC T. Markiewicz

Time and z of produced photon background v7 v2 2 July 2014 - MAP at SLAC T. Markiewicz

z of produced photon background v7 v2 2 July 2014 - MAP at SLAC T. Markiewicz

Z Distribution of Photons in Innermost Barrel VXD Use this to get Peak/Average occupancy (Should also look at azimuth) v2 v7 First hit only Inner VXD: Conversion eff: 6581/1,121,001=0.587% Hit Multiplicity = 89207/6581 = 13.555 2 July 2014 - MAP at SLAC T. Markiewicz

Time Distribution of photon hits on Inner VXD Barrel time_parent time_parent time_child rel. to parent time_child rel. to parent 2 July 2014 - MAP at SLAC T. Markiewicz

Time Distribution of photon hits on Inner VXD Barrel time=time_parent+time_child time=time_parent+time_child Source of photons Source of photons 2 July 2014 - MAP at SLAC T. Markiewicz

V7 Hit multiplicity (all layers) Note that nh counts parent plus all children 2 July 2014 - MAP at SLAC T. Markiewicz

Hit Density Comparison 2 July 2014 - MAP at SLAC T. Markiewicz

Conclusions Factor of 8 reduction in photons emanating from v7 mask relative to v2 mask Hit density calculated in v2 via scoring and using a 2% photon to 1 e- hit conversion efficience In v7 analysis, in innermost layer we see same hit density as ~x8-10 hits/converted photon compensate for reduced incident photon flux Next steps: Check v2 e+/e- versus v7 as Check conversion efficiency Check #/hits per converted photon and the spatial & time distribution of those hits 2 July 2014 - MAP at SLAC T. Markiewicz

Innermost VXD Layer: Separation between Hits Set MaxHit=2 20 um bins 2 July 2014 - MAP at SLAC T. Markiewicz

Numerology for hits on Innermost VXD Layer Set MaxHit=2 Inner VXD: 1,121,001 photons make a hit on this layer There are a total of 89207 hits seen 6581 photons make one or more hits on this & other layers In 5872 cases all the hits stay on this Inner VXD layer; In 709 cases the last hit in the n-tuple is on a different layer 1053 of 6581 (or 5872) events only have one e- hit on the layer In 4819 of 5872 events, all the hits stay on the inner VXD layer When >1 hit, the max. probability of separation between first and last hit is 1mm Conversion eff: 6581/1,121,001=0.587% Hit Multiplicity = 89207/6581 = 13.555 This is ~ 3.1x the mean number of hits when histogram truncated at 20 hits. 2 July 2014 - MAP at SLAC T. Markiewicz