Introduction to Business Lecture 43 MGT211 Introduction to Business Lecture 43
Accounting Period Summarizing Income Statement Profit Time span in which accounts are terminated. Summarizing Summary of all revenues and expenses. Income Statement A statement which shows the position of revenues and expenses or profit and loss. Profit Excess of revenues over expenditures.
Loss Excess of expenditures over revenues. Accounting is called language of the business because it tells inner story of the business.
Accounting Vs. Book Keeping Recording the information in the books is called book keeping. To draw a picture from the information is called accounting.
Accounting Information System A system that provides all information which is required to prepare financial statements. It provides timely and accurate information.
Types of Accounting Financial accounting is used by external users. Managerial Accounting Financial accounting is used by external users. Managerial accounting is used by internal users.
Auditing Systematic examination of accounting record.
Accounting Vs. Auditing Accounting is concerned with recording of accounting information. Auditing is concerned with examination of accounting information.
Types of Auditors Internal auditors External auditors People who are working within the organization. External auditors People who are not employees of the company.
Users of Financial Information Managers Employees Owners Investors Partners Banks Tax authorities Government
GAAP-Generally Agreed Accounting Principles Principles of accounting accepted all over the world.