Sketch Definition: Free hand drawing. Looks like it should, but not perfect. No use of geometry tools. Use special marks to indicate right angles, congruent segments…
Draw Definition: Carefully and accurately drawn using a compass and a ruler. Use special marks to indicate right angles, congruent segments…
Construct Definition: Use only a compass and a straightedge to construct a shape. The result is exactly perfect. Also known as duplicate.
Duplicating a Segment
Duplicating a Segment Draw the segment to be duplicated. Label it AB. Draw a ray longer than segment to be duplicated. Label it C. Measure the length of AB using a compass. With the compass point on C, make an arc intersecting the ray. Label the new point D. Segments AB and CD are congruent. Double check congruency with a ruler.
Duplicating a Segment
Duplicating an Angle
Duplicating an Angle Draw ray G. Starting with the compass point at E, make an arc intersecting both sides of angle DEF. Make an identical arc, with compass point at G. Then, adjust the compass to make a second arc on angle DEF, that intersects the first arc on the side of the angle. Make a second identical arc, with compass point G. Then using a straightedge, draw a ray from point G through the intersection of the two arcs.
Duplicating an Angle