AP Bio Day 6
Opener Plant care: fill reservoirs, stake plants if needed Get your plant from the light box Make observations in your notebook, where we titled it Drawings Note: (1) day of experiment, (2) time, What has changed from last observation? Is there a difference in the traits you observed last time? Explain. Plant care: fill reservoirs, stake plants if needed
Agenda Reading Comp 2 Natural Selection Examples Homework Study guide Test next class period
Reading Comp 2 You may use your notes and a calculator but not each other Go to Google Classroom Reading Comp 2 Code: rd481i No talking 12 minutes
Reading Comp 2 Feedback What is the null hypothesis?
The null hypothesis can be accepted because the Chi Square Value of 0 The null hypothesis can be accepted because the Chi Square Value of 0.46 was non significant compared to the Critical Value of 3.84. This means environmental factors didn’t play a significant role in our observed data, meaning that the harshness or softness of light, likely doesn’t affect the aggression of the baboons.
Examples You will be paired with a partner to analyze a piece of writing to see if it meets the requirements of a good summary. You and your partner will identify with a letter where the author clearly identifies the concept. If the author does not identify the short and long term affect of natural selection, please write it together. 15 minutes
Regrouping You will get into groups of three One person has scenario A, one has B and one has C Compare and contrast the strengths and weaknesses of each piece of writing 10 minutes
Work Time All work for this unit is due on Thursday- no exceptions Drug Resistance Short Write Chi Square Practice Additional Chi Square Practice M & M Lab Wooly Worm Lab Study Guide