Havering’s Older Persons Housing Strategy An overview Keith Andrews Housing Partnerships & Development Manager 21 July 2014
Demographics 2011 Census says Havering has highest proportion of older people in any London Borough 17.8% of the population in Havering is over 65 Age band 65+ will grow by 16% by 2021 and 90+ will grow by 70% by 2021 2012 Havering Housing Needs and Demand Assessment says 73% of Havering older people own their own home 85% over 65 declared equity of £100k+ 45% have savings less than £5k Asset rich – cash poor
Strategy Key Priorities Research older persons housing needs and aspirations and re assess extra care need in Havering Support independent living Assist older people wishing to downsize Develop new older persons housing
Research older persons housing needs and aspirations Majority of older people in Havering own their own home without a mortgage and equity > £100,000 Living in larger homes Half have a long term limiting illness We want to find out if the decision to stay at home in later life is a preference or a result of a lack of options Use research to inform our stock remodelling and new build programme To be completed by March 15
Older Person Preference Survey Phone survey of people aged 55+ on the Housing Register (Feb 14) Small sample – extreme caution!! 30% did not want to move! An insurance policy Bias towards 1 bed flats and particularly bungalows (32% said only bungalows) Clear message that location is critical in decision to move Physical mobility was a driver in wish to move for a third of respondents The on-line CBL bidding system was a problem for many, knowing how to bid, and those that do bid carefully BUT that contradicts other research locally People do not like bedsits! Some comments “I refuse to throw half of my property away” “All I want is a little bungalow, little garden, if it comes up it comes up if not, I will suffer where I am”
Extra Care Our Housing Needs and Demand Assessment 2012 showed many people don’t know what extra care housing is Examine further this issue through our research programme Re-visit our Extra Care Housing Needs forecast which looks at supply and demand(need) over time. Put in place a consultation and marketing strategy to promote awareness and understanding of extra care
Support independent living We have no Home Improvement Agency but have established a virtual one through a range of external agencies Will be recruiting an older person housing advisor Advice on availability of housing options across tenure Suitability of housing options Link between external agencies Promotion and marketing of the availability of services Continue to expand and develop our telecare and telehealth service 4500 users First LA accredited in both telecare & telehealth
Assist older people wishing to downsize Where people wish to! For Council tenants a range of incentives Financial incentive of £250 per bedroom plus £500 for removal Placed on the highest band on our choice based lettings system Can still underoccupy if preference Dedicated support officer to give advice, information, and practical support - arrange move, disconnections and reconnections For owner occupiers Freespace – long term lease to Council of owned property coupled with assistance to move, potentially into Council stock
For both tenants and Owner occupiers Developing new homes for older people that meet their needs and aspirations For example we are building new bungalows for shared ownership and for rent at Albyns Close, Hornchurch Bungalows within the grounds of three existing sheltered housing schemes, sharing communal lounge etc., targeted at downsizers. Funded by the GLA and Havering Council HRA and will be our first new build in a generation
Albyns Close 9 two bed bungalows for rent and 9 two bed bungalows for shared ownership
Havering Housing Strategy 2014-17 https://www.havering.gov.uk/Pages/Category/Housing.aspx