ABOUT ME Mr. Verlin Overbrook High School Computer Science September 5 and 6, 2017 ABOUT ME
Do Now: September 5 Print your name on the classroom sign-in sheet in space space corresponding to the machine number where you will seated. Take an index card and carefully write your contact information (name, parent address, parent phone number and your own cell number if you have one). Listen for your name to be called while attendance is taken. Turn in the index cards when asked (10 classroom points).
Class Intro.: Icebreaker Icebreaker: line up in order of birthdate starting with January 1 without saying a word. Hand signals? Computer monitors?
Class Intro.: About Me Mr. Verlin: http://www.jverlin.com Teacher: sharing knowledge and setting ex. for college THEN career readiness 3 years at O.H.S. and 17 years in P.S.D. Computer Science HTML and CSS (personal sites and blogs) JavaScript (web based video games) Swift (iPhone apps) English and Writing: essay planning and writing Hobbies Technology Cycling Reading Community Service: Volunteer F.F./E.M.T.
Class Intro.: O.H.S. Overbrook High School Vision Statement Mission Statement Brainstorm: Classroom Norms and Incentives Class 90-Minute Block Structure Teacher Website: http://www.jverlin.com
Do Now: September 6 Log into your Google account at http://www.google.com. Create an account if you don’t already have one. Open a new Google sheet. Title columns “A”, “B” and “C” as follows: Who I Was Who I Am Who I Will Become Teacher will inspect in 5 min. (10 classwork points).
Objectives: About Me The students will be able to pre-plan and draft a personal statement. The students will be able to create an “About Me” page using Google sites in order to establish a presence on the internet.
Focus Lesson: About Me Direct Instruction Class Policies Class Syllabus Intro. HTML CSS JavaScript Swift (iPhone/iPad app development) Class Policies
Personal Statement: Set-up Log on to your Google account. Create a new Google sheet Title columns “A”, “B” and “C” as follows: “Who I Was”, “Who I Am” and “Who I Will Become”.
Focus Lesson: Personal Statement Direct Instruction: Pre-writing Guided Practice: generating an ideas list suitable for sharing Independent Practice: choose one section of the pre-write and list 10 ideas for each section in the form of keywords and phrases only.