Region Training Conference 2018 BEEing a Leader Membership Recruitment by _____________________________ Region Training Conference 2018 Name, Position
Introduction You do not need the title of an officer position to be a leader. Officers create order within the club; leadership is open to everyone Opportunities are out there for everyone that wants to experience something new All MEMBERS can be LEADERS
How Can I Be a Leader? Take action! Be proactive when planning for the future. Influence others through your actions Be inclusive and show kindness to others.
PROFESSIONALISM – Dress to IMPRESS Tips On Being A Leader PROFESSIONALISM – Dress to IMPRESS ATTIRE: Dress accordingly! If you have to second-guess your outfit, don’t wear it You should always dress “one up” from your audience Key Club Casual < Business Casual, Business Professional
Servant Leadership “The servant-leader is servant first… It begins with the natural feeling that one wants to serve, to serve first.” -Robert K. Greenleaf Servant leadership is a philosophy and set of practices that enriches the lives of individuals, builds better organizations and creates a more just and caring
Servant Leadership Focused on the growth and well-being of people and the communities While traditional leadership generally involves the accumulation and exercise of power by one at the “top of the pyramid,” servant leadership shares power. Puts others first and helps others to perform and develop others to the best of their ability
Incorporating the Core Values Leadership: Remind the members you serve that anyone can be a leader! All it takes is a courage and passion! Character Building: Throughout the term, learn from your mistakes and truly value the lessons they teach. Grow and reflect from what you learn & you can truly make a difference on our homes, schools, and communities!
Incorporating the Core Values Caring: Key Club is all about passion! Passion and caring is what drives us at service events. Never stop caring! Inclusiveness: Reach out to all members. If you see someone alone at an event or if they’re just not participating or enjoying it, reach out to them!
Communication SPEAKING: Use proper grammar Do NOT use slang Enunciate your words so your audience can understand what you are saying Be polite and prompt with your topic Do NOT prolong your presentation longer than you need to Speak to the back of the room Tone and volume must match the topic at hand as well as environment Add some spice! Have officers or volunteer members to dress up or act out a skit to make a point or share an experience
(Edit in email settings) E-MAIL (Officers): Keep the members you serve in the loop! Frequency –> communications Reread and be mindful of tone Stay professional Be concise Have a professional signature: Name Position Division | Region District Contact information (Edit in email settings) Buzzing with Service, Busy Bee President Division 99 | Region 19 Cali-Nev-Ha District Email: Cell: (###)-###-####
ACTIVE LISTENING: Pay Attention! Feedback Be aware of your surroundings Stay sharp! Remember deadlines! Two sided Talking TO people, not AT them Ask questions to show that you are paying attention Feedback For YOU to grow Allow members to offer suggestions and input Gain new ideas
Inclusiveness Remember to BEE inclusive! Reach out to ALL members Break the ice! Break the cliques Mix-and-match members around Spend time talking to the members Include them in all discussions Plan bonding days for them “We are trying to construct a more inclusive society. We are going to make a country in which no one is left out.” – Franklin D. Roosevelt
Confidence MINDSET: Put your mind to your goals – walk your talk! Set Goals in the beginning and reach those goals. Have short term and long term goals! Weigh pro’s and con’s of every situation to make informed decisions Do NOT act on impulse! Your decisions are for the benefit of the members and organization TAKE RISKS: Taking risks can test your leadership ability! Trust yourself enough to make the right decisions. Show your passion for Key Club by taking the risks in hopes of making positive changes!
“Leadership and learning are indispensable to each other.” Educate… YOURSELF + THE MEMBERS YOU SERVE Research your topics Even officers are never done learning about Key Club The more you know, the more your audience will know BEE prepared to answer any questions Ask the questions that members don’t know how to ask “Leadership and learning are indispensable to each other.”
Teamwork Communicate Set goals Express ideas and viewpoints BEE open-minded Give constructive criticism Separate task work Use Team’s strengths to your advantage TRUST your team members Do not try to take on all the work Push team members to work hard!
Teamwork Do not feel like you are alone! You have tons of people to help you! You are part of a team where people are there to help! They are available to help you reach your goals and you are there to help them as well! Don’t be afraid to delegate work. “Delegating work works, provided the one delegating works, too.” - Robert Half
Problem-Solving Chaotic Situations Reach out to… Stop, breathe, and think Consult with your advisor and/or board officers Reach out to… Lieutenant Governor Region Advisor Other Club Officers District Officers are here to support you, too! Join the Officer Reflector Groups!
Service Show them the merit in giving back! GIVE BACK: Set an example to the members you serve by serving your home, school, and community! Keep members involved! Offer weekly to bi-monthly service events Show them the merit in giving back! Smile while serving Connect with the people you are helping Enjoy service and show just how big of an impact the members are making!
Leadership BE ASSERTIVE: ASSERTIVE APPROACHABLE ENTHUSIASTIC Be stern, but nice. APPROACHABLE Be friendly and easy to approach. ENTHUSIASTIC Share your happiness! “Nothing great in the world has ever been accomplished without passion.” - Hardy D. Jackson
“Understanding is a two way street.” – Plato BE UNDERSTANDING: PASSIONATE Express your passion. REASONABLE Have reason for your actions. LOGICAL Consider the “excuses.” “Understanding is a two way street.” – Plato
Let members relate to you BE HUMAN: RELATABLE Let members relate to you RELAX Give yourself breaks DEVELOP / LEARN Everyone makes mistakes; You only grow along the way
Checkpoints and Goals Create to-do lists Use calendars/planners Have constant reminders Electronic notifications, post-it notes, alarms Have a timeline Set goals at the beginning of the year Evaluate your progress Refer to your past work Ask peers/mentors for input on your growth
Questions? Comments? Concerns?
Acknowledgements The CNH Key Club District would like to acknowledge the following individuals who have contributed to this presentation over the years. Jocelin Hernandez, Division 38 East Lt. Governor, 2016-2017 Minghua Ong, Member Relations Committee Chair, 2016-2017 Christopher Kao, Division 19 South Lt. Governor, 2017-2018 Kayla Kirsten, Division 3 South Lt. Governor, 2017-2018 Johnny Chen, Member Relations Committee Chair 2017-2018 Hanna Von, Division 10 North Lieutenant Governor, 2018-2019 Ryan Lieng, Division 21 Lieutenant Governor, 2018-2019 Daniel Chong, Division 28 North Lieutenant Governor, 2018-2019 Christopher Kao, Membership Development & Education Committee Chair, 2018-2019