Project Title Your title should be large enough to read easily, but not so large that you do not have space for the other important sections of the poster display
Abstract Your abstract is a shorter version of the final report. Include: Introduction Problem Statement Methods Results Conclusions
Introduction Introduce the medical problem Explain the problem Who is affected by the problem? If possible, include the number of people affected Define important terms, scientific and medical language that is in your project
Background Explain any work, research, or innovative ideas that have been already completed Explain why you are using specific materials
Engineering Goal and Constraints What is the goal for your project? What do you hope to achieve? How do you plan to achieve this? What are the constraints (limits)?
Materials List the materials used
Methods What did you do? Describe in detail how you created your prototype How did you test it? Add any other information regarding the procedure that you used
Results Include tables, graphs, photographs, figures Remember to use the appropriate SI units (for example, m for meter)
Conclusion What can you conclude based on your work? Did the data support or refute your idea? Did you encounter any problems? If so, how did you solve them? What future work should be done on the project?
Acknowledgments References List people that helped you List literature sources that helped you