Dissemination Plan made from EDUNET LEONARDO PARTNERSHIP PROJECT IENE – INTERCULTURAL EDUCATION OF NURSES AND MEDICAL STAFF IN EUROPE "This project has been funded with support from the European Commission. This publication reflects the views only of the author, and the Commission cannot be held responsible for any use which may be made of the information contained therein."
What disseminate in web site 1 Logo Partners Complete address Contact person Link to own web site Short description Objectives Expected results Project Outputs Proposed activities European Meetings (short information and 2-3 photos)
What disseminate in web site 2 Articles published What the other say about us Other web sites Radio programme Tv programme European Commission Link Council of Europe LLP programme
What disseminate to media 1 beginning Only list of partners Partners Only the country Short description Project Objectives Expected results
What disseminate to media 2 implementation Only list of partners Partners Only the country Short description Objectives Obtained results Project Ready Outputs Activities done European Meetings realised
What disseminate to media 2 end Only list of partners Partners Only the country Final description Obtained objectives Final results Project Final Outputs Activities done A final evaluation
Local-Regional-National European-International Dissemination Local-Regional-National European-International
Local dissemination 1st step Beginning 3rd step End 2nd step During project
Local dissemination 1st step ASAP: Press communication or Press conference to inform media of the existence of the project in the first 3 month: Organisation of opened public meetings As soon as possible: Publication of adhesive, leaflets, brochures and posters and their distribution When possible: contact with Public Authorities and Organisms to have a connection with them When ready: Put a logo of the Project in front of the partner' entrance
Local dissemination 2nd step Partner own web site: Make a web page with a link to project’s portal İf possible: Some interviews in local radio and television Realisation of a Press conference in each European meeting New contacts with authorities and organism Some articles every 4-5 months to inform about the project implementation
Local dissemination final step Press communication or Press conference to inform media of the end of the project and its results and products Promotion of project’s results to interested organisms Presentation of best practises and results in organisms, universities, institution and so on New web page on partners own web site
European dissemination 1st step Beginning 3rd step End 2nd step During project
European dissemination beginning A Mail group for the Partners and use the Mail group that each Partner already has Realisation of project web site (Edunet task) Presentation of the use of the intranet and administration site at next meeting Communication to all European network with which each partner is in connection Distribution to a Mailing List of pdf file with project description and brochures by e-mail
European dissemination implementation Project web site With weekly implementation Mail groups Communication to all European network with which each partner is in connection Use of intranet (Forum discussion) Newsletter in word of the project realized after each meeting with the host partners contribution
European dissemination end Project web site Mail groups Made a product with projects results and outcomes with best methodologies and practices Communication to all European network with which each partner is in connection Good practice manual Press releases