Of the United States of America With Liberty and Justice for All Warm Up – January 23 Working with a partner, on one post it – Rewrite the Pledge of Allegiance where you restate the meaning of each line I pledge allegiance To The Flag Of the United States of America And to the Republic For Which it Stands One Nation Under God Indivisible With Liberty and Justice for All
Analyzing the Pledge of Allegiance I Pledge Allegiance – “I promise to be loyal” To the Flag - ”To the Symbol of our Country” Of the United States of America – “Each State that has joined our country” And to the Republic – “To a country where people choose others to make laws for them” For Which it Stands – “The flag stands for our country” One Nation – “A single country” Under God – “United States was founded on Christianity” Indivisible – “country cannot be divided” With Liberty and justice – “With freedom and fairness” For All – “For every person in the country”
Unit 1: FOUNDATIONS OF GOVERNMENT Citizenship and Immigration
What is a Citizen? A citizen is a native or naturalized member of a country who owes that country’s government their allegiance. Citizenship includes: Being a productive member of society Fulfilling the duties and responsibilities of a citizen
Roles and qualities of a good citizen: What makes a good citizen? Roles and qualities of a good citizen: Vote Participate Informing officials of needs or disagreements Educate yourself Respect rights of others Responsibly using natural resources
Who is a citizen? OR Born: In any state or Washington DC Citizen by Birth Born: In any state or Washington DC In any American territory anywhere in the world to one or both American parents on U.S. soil OR Citizen by Naturalization (Citizenship Test)
Naturalization Process A legal process to attain citizenship: Declaration of Intention filed with U.S. Citizenship and Immigrants Services Must live in U.S. for at least 5 years (3 if married) Interview and Examination with the United States Citizenship and Immigration Services Oath of Allegiance and signing of documents
How is the Shutdown Effecting America? Go to my website, download the article “How is the shutdown effecting America?” and answer the following questions on the same post it as the warm up: 1. How long has the government been in a partial shutdown? What is the driving force behind it? 2. How many federal departments are effected by the partial shutdown? How many workers? 3. How are airports affected by the shutdown? 4. How has our food been affected? 5. How has the shutdown affected immigration? Why is this such a significant issue?
Border Wall Debate 1 – you are for building the wall 2 – you are against building the wall
Border Wall Debate Everyone create a new slide titled “The Opposing Argument” You will not be paired up with someone who had the opposing side of the debate If you had number 1 – go thru each supporting reason that you have and explain them to your partner as you go through each one. While the 1’s are presenting their side, the 2’s need to type the reasons down on the slide (can just do bullet points) Once the 1’s are done, 2’s present their side while 1’s type the reasons on the slide
Border Wall Debate Everyone create a new slide titled “What I think” You now have both side of the argument – now tell me which side you are on and give me three supporting reasons why (write in paragraph form) Once you are finished you can share your presentation with me – cksager@wcpss.net Make sure your name is in the title of your document
TOD – January 23 Answer the following questions on the same post it as the warm up: 1. What is a citizen? 2. What are some of the things a citizen can do in order to become a good citizen? 3. Who is considered a U.S. citizen?