Applying for a place at Primary School
Compulsory School Age A child is of compulsory school age on the 1st January, 1st April or 1st September following their 5th birthday. 5 by 31 December – start school in January 5 by 31 March – start school in April (after Easter) 5 by 31 August – start school in September BUT school places not held into next academic year If your child will be 4 by 31 August 2019, you must apply for a school place.
Preferences not Choices History of rising numbers of school age children – bulge classes, new classes, higher planned admission numbers (PANs) New primary academy in south Newbury opening September 2019 Be realistic – look at last year’s admissions Think about siblings
Catchment Areas Catchment areas in West Berkshire Always apply to your catchment school If you don’t, you may be allocated a school a long way from home (eg a village school or in Thatcham) You may need to supply extra information to church schools
Separated Parents Use the home where the child lives most of the time as the home address Where parenting is equally split, you can choose either of the addresses Only one application per child is permitted
Application Deadlines You can apply online now 15 January is the final date for changes or applications
Moving House You cannot use a future address on your application If you move by 31 January, your new address will be used for school place allocation If you more after 31 January, your old address will be used Applications for children who have moved after 31 January will be re-assessed after 17 April
What happens next? You will receive an email or letter on 16 April 2019 You need to accept the school place you have been offered by 1 May The school will contact you directly to let you know about transition arrangements for your child Visit dates will happen during the summer term
If you are not happy … DO NOT turn down the school place you have offered – the Local Authority has no obligation to find another school place for you School admissions are very helpful and will let you know where there are spaces Your child will be put on the waiting lists of schools that were higher in your list of preferences Movement on lists between April and September Waiting lists remain for the whole academic year